Doves & Pigeons in Magick

Doves and pigeons are birds that have been associated with magic and spirituality for centuries. In modern witchcraft, these birds are often associated with peace, love, and communication.

Doves are often associated with peace and love, and are often used in spells and rituals to promote these qualities in a relationship or in the world at large. They are also seen as messengers of the divine, carrying prayers and wishes to the spirit world.

Pigeons, on the other hand, are often associated with communication and understanding. In some cultures, pigeons are seen as messengers of the divine, bringing messages of peace, love, and harmony. They are also associated with the element of air, which is associated with communication, thought, and intuition.

In modern witchcraft, doves and pigeons can be used in a variety of ways to harness their energies and bring about desired outcomes. Here are some ways that modern witches might use these birds in their magical practice:

  1. Love spells: Doves are associated with peace and love, so they can be used in spells to bring these qualities into a relationship or to promote peace in the world.

  2. Communication spells: Pigeons are associated with communication and understanding, so they can be used in spells to improve communication and to promote understanding in relationships or in the world at large.

  3. Peace spells: Doves are often seen as messengers of peace, so they can be used in spells to promote peace and love in the world or in a specific situation.

  4. Wishing spells: Both doves and pigeons are often seen as messengers of the divine, so they can be used in wishing spells to carry prayers and wishes to the spirit world.

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To use doves and pigeons in your magic, you can incorporate images of these birds into spells and talismans, or simply appreciate their beauty and symbolism. When working with these birds, it is important to remember that they are living creatures and should be treated with respect and care.

What’s the Difference?

Doves and pigeons are two distinct species of birds that belong to the Columbidae family. Although they are similar in many ways, there are some important differences between doves and pigeons that set them apart.

Physical Characteristics:

Doves tend to be smaller and slimmer in appearance, with a more delicate and streamlined build. Pigeons are typically larger and stockier, with a more robust build and a rounder head.


Doves are usually a pale grey or beige color, while pigeons can come in a variety of colors, including grey, brown, blue, and even white.


Doves are typically more shy and cautious, while pigeons are more fearless and are often seen in urban environments.


Both doves and pigeons feed on seeds, grains, and other plant material. However, pigeons have a more varied diet and will also feed on fruits, vegetables, and human food waste.


Doves are known for their distinctive cooing song, which is soft and soothing. Pigeons make a variety of sounds, including coos, whistles, and soft clucking noises.

In conclusion, doves and pigeons are powerful symbols in modern witchcraft, associated with peace, love, and communication. Whether you incorporate images of these birds into your magic, appreciate their beauty and symbolism, or simply admire them in nature, they can bring peace, love, and understanding into your life.


Magick of Falcons


Jackal Magick