Eagle Magick

Eagles are powerful birds that are often seen as symbols of strength, freedom, and the power of the sky. In modern witchcraft, eagles are often associated with the element of air, and their soaring flight is said to symbolize a connection to the divine and the heavens.

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Here are some ways that modern witches might use eagles in their magical practice:

  1. Soaring spells: Eagles are known for their powerful flight and ability to soar, so they can be used in spells to help you rise above your challenges and reach new heights.

  2. Freedom spells: Eagles are also associated with freedom and independence, so they can be used in spells to help you break free from constraints and limitations.

  3. Vision spells: Eagles have keen eyesight and can see for great distances, so they can be used in spells for clarity, insight, and seeing beyond what is visible to the eye.

  4. Protection spells: Eagles are fierce hunters, and their strength and sharp talons can be used in spells for protection and defense.

To use eagles in your magic, you can incorporate images of these birds into spells and talismans, or simply appreciate their beauty and symbolism. When working with eagles, it is important to remember that they are wild creatures and should be treated with respect and care.

Symbols of Power, Freedom, & Majesty


In ancient Rome, eagles were seen as symbols of power and were often used as emblems for the Roman army. The eagle was a powerful symbol of the Roman Empire and was used to represent the strength and prowess of the Roman people.

The United States:

In the United States, eagles are a powerful symbol of freedom and patriotism. The American bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States and is seen as a symbol of strength, bravery, and independence.

Native American Culture:

In Native American cultures, eagles are seen as sacred creatures and are believed to have a spiritual connection to the sky and the heavens. They are often associated with wisdom, strength, and power, and are seen as messengers between the earthly and spiritual realms.


Eagles have been depicted in art for centuries, representing strength, power, and freedom. In many cultures, eagles have been depicted as powerful creatures soaring through the sky, representing the idea of breaking free from the constraints of the earth and reaching for the heavens.


In literature, eagles are often depicted as symbols of strength, courage, and power. They have been used as metaphors for freedom and independence, representing the idea of soaring to new heights and breaking free from the constraints of the earth.

In conclusion, eagles are powerful symbols in modern witchcraft, associated with strength, freedom, clarity, and protection. Whether you incorporate images of eagles into your magic, appreciate their beauty and symbolism, or simply admire their majesty, they can bring about positive changes and blessings in your life.


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