Peacock Magick

Peacocks, with their striking beauty and stunning displays, have long been associated with magic and mythology. These birds have been revered by cultures around the world for their mystical powers and connections to the spiritual realm. Here's a closer look at peacocks and the magical characteristics they embody, and why they're a fascinating animal for modern witches to explore.

Beauty and Ego:

Peacocks are known for their gorgeous feathers and their ability to display their beauty to the world. They have long been associated with vanity, as well as a sense of pride and confidence. For modern witches, peacocks can symbolize the importance of embracing one's beauty, as well as the need to find balance between confidence and humility.

Fertility and Renewal:

Peacocks are also associated with fertility and renewal, as they are known to lay many eggs at once. For modern witches, this can be seen as a symbol of abundance and the renewal of life.

Mysticism and the Spiritual Realm:

In Hindu mythology, the peacock is seen as the mount of Lord Murugan, the god of war. In many cultures, peacocks are also associated with the spiritual realm, and their feathers are believed to possess mystical powers. Modern witches can use the symbolism of the peacock to connect to the spiritual realm and tap into their own mystical powers.

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Protection and Warding:

The bright, eye-like spots on the peacock's feathers are believed to have protective properties, and can be used to ward off evil spirits. For modern witches, peacocks can be a powerful tool for protection and warding.

Transformation and Change:

The peacock's ability to shed its old feathers and grow new ones is seen as a symbol of transformation and change. For modern witches, this can be seen as a reminder of the need to embrace change and embrace growth.

Creativity and Inspiration:

Peacocks are also associated with creativity and inspiration, as they are often depicted in art and literature as symbols of beauty and artistry. For modern witches, peacocks can be seen as a source of inspiration for their own creative pursuits.

In conclusion, peacocks are a fascinating and beautiful animal with a rich history of magical associations. Whether you're interested in exploring the mystical realm, harnessing the power of transformation, or tapping into your own creativity, the peacock is an animal worth exploring for modern witches.


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