Rat Magick

Rats have been both revered and reviled throughout history, often being seen as symbols of both prosperity and plague. In modern witchcraft, rats can be viewed as powerful animals, representing intuition, resourcefulness, and cleverness. Here are a few of the magical characteristics of rats:

  1. Intuition: Rats are known for their sharp senses, including their sense of smell and hearing. They use their intuition to navigate the world and find food, and this same intuition can be called upon in magic.

  2. Resourcefulness: Rats are incredibly adaptable creatures, able to make their homes in a variety of environments. They are also known for their ability to find food and resources, even in difficult circumstances. This resourcefulness can be a valuable trait in magic, representing the ability to find solutions to even the toughest problems.

  3. Cleverness: Rats are known for their cunning and intelligence, and they have a reputation for being able to outwit even the most careful traps. This cleverness can be harnessed in magic, representing the ability to find clever solutions to problems and to think outside the box.

  4. Prosperity: In many cultures, rats have been associated with prosperity, especially in relation to food. They were seen as harbingers of a good harvest, and their presence was often seen as a sign of wealth and abundance. In magic, rats can be used to attract abundance and to help create financial prosperity.

  5. Protection: In some cultures, rats have been seen as protectors, especially in relation to their ability to eat pests that might otherwise damage crops. In magic, rats can be called upon to protect homes, families, and other important things.

  6. Transformation: Rats are known for their ability to change and adapt, and they have a reputation for being able to survive even the most difficult circumstances. In magic, rats can be used to represent transformation and the ability to change and grow.

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Whether you view rats as pests or as powerful creatures, they are an interesting and complex animal with a rich history and a lot of magical potential. Whether you are calling upon their intuition, resourcefulness, cleverness, prosperity, protection, or transformation, rats can be a valuable addition to your magical practice.


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