Robin Redbreast Magick

Robins are a common bird that can be found in many parts of the world, and they are also considered to have a range of magical properties in modern witchcraft. This bird is associated with a number of different meanings and uses in magic, including:

  1. New beginnings: Robins are often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts. If you're starting a new project or embarking on a new chapter in your life, working with the energy of robins can help you get off to a strong start.

  2. Renewal: Robins are also associated with renewal and rejuvenation. If you're feeling drained or in need of a boost of energy, working with the energy of robins can help you feel renewed and refreshed.

  3. Joy and happiness: Robins are said to bring joy and happiness wherever they go. If you're looking to bring a little more happiness into your life, try working with the energy of robins to help lift your spirits.

  4. Protection: Robins are also associated with protection, especially for those who work with nature magic. If you're looking for a little extra protection in your life, try calling on the energy of robins to help you feel safe and secure.

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To work with the energy of robins, you can call on this bird in your meditations, keep a picture of a robin in your home, or wear jewelry that features a robin. You can also observe robins in nature, and try to understand the unique energy that they bring to your life.

In conclusion, robins are a versatile bird that can bring a range of benefits to modern witches. Whether you're looking for new beginnings, renewal, joy and happiness, or protection, working with the energy of robins can help you achieve your goals.


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