The Magick of Cats

Cats have long been associated with magic and witchcraft, and for good reason. These mysterious and independent creatures have a certain allure that has captivated people for centuries. They have been revered as sacred animals in many cultures, and have been believed to possess magical powers and abilities. In this blog post, we will explore the magical traits, powers, and history of cats as familiars to witches.

One of the most well-known magical traits of cats is their ability to see and interact with spirits. It is said that cats can see the unseen and have the ability to communicate with ghosts and other entities. This ability has made them popular as familiars to witches, as they can act as guides and protectors in the spirit realm.

Cats are also believed to have the power of invisibility. They are known to be stealthy and elusive, able to move quietly and blend into their surroundings. This ability makes them useful in spells and rituals that involve protection and invisibility.

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Cats are also associated with the element of water, and are said to have the ability to purify and cleanse negative energy. They are often used in rituals to remove curses and hexes, and to protect against psychic attack.

The history of cats as familiars to witches dates back to ancient times. The ancient Egyptians revered cats as sacred animals, and believed that they had the power to protect against evil spirits and bring good luck. In medieval Europe, cats were also associated with witchcraft, and were often thought to be the familiars of witches. Unfortunately, this association led to the persecution and killing of cats during the witch trials of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Ten names that might be fitting for a witch's cat, inspired by folktales, fiction, film, and history:

  1. Salem - inspired by the famous witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts.

  2. Magdalena - from the biblical story of Mary Magdalene, who was often portrayed as a healer and wise woman.

  3. Lilith - from Jewish folklore, Lilith was Adam's first wife and a powerful figure associated with the night and magic.

  4. Raven - inspired by the black birds known for their intelligence and association with magic in many cultures.

  5. Thorne - inspired by the spiky plants used for protection and boundary-setting in many folk magic traditions.

  6. Bastet - after the ancient Egyptian goddess of cats, fertility, and protection.

  7. Morgath - inspired by the character Morgath from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth stories.

  8. Luna - inspired by the Latin word for moon and its association with magic and mystery.

  9. Sorsha - inspired by the character Sorsha from the film "Willow."

  10. Zauberin - the German word for "witch."

Despite the negative connotations that have been associated with cats in the past, they continue to be a popular familiar among modern witches. Many witches today keep cats as pets and companions, and incorporate them into their practice as a symbol of mystery, magic, and protection.

In conclusion, cats have a long history as familiars to witches. They are known for their magical powers and abilities, including the ability to see spirits, invisibility, and the ability to purify and cleanse negative energy. Their mysterious and independent nature continues to make them popular among modern witches as a symbol of mystery, magic and protection.


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