8 Activities to Celebrate Beltane: Dancing, Feasting, and More!

Beltane, one of the eight Sabbats of the pagan Wheel of the Year, is a celebration of the arrival of spring, new beginnings, and fertility. It's a time to honor the sacred union between the god and the goddess and to welcome the warmth and abundance of the season. If you're looking for ways to celebrate Beltane with your coven, family, or friends, here are 8 group activities to consider:

Maypole Dancing:

Maypole dancing is a traditional Beltane activity that symbolizes the union between the male and female energies of the god and the goddess. Gather a tall pole, decorate it with flowers and ribbons, and have participants take turns dancing around it while holding onto the ribbons. The dance creates a beautiful, intricate pattern of weaving and braiding.


Lighting a bonfire is a traditional way to celebrate Beltane. The fire represents the power and warmth of the returning sun and is a symbol of purification and renewal. Gather around the fire, drum, sing, and dance to the rhythm of the flames.

Flower Crown Making:

Beltane is a celebration of the beauty and abundance of spring, and what better way to honor it than by making flower crowns? Gather flowers and foliage, either from your garden or a nearby park, and weave them into a crown. Wear it throughout the celebration as a symbol of the season's blessings.

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Beltane is a time for feasting and enjoying the bounty of the earth. Plan a potluck or assign different dishes to each participant, and savor seasonal fruits and vegetables, honey, and dairy products. You may also want to try making mead, a fermented honey drink that's a traditional Beltane beverage.

Beltane is a time of abundance and fertility, so it's traditional to feast on foods that are fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced. Here are some popular foods and dishes to enjoy at a Beltane gathering:

  • May wine: This traditional Beltane beverage is made by steeping sweet woodruff in white wine overnight, then adding fresh strawberries or other seasonal fruit.

  • Spring greens: Fresh greens such as spinach, arugula, and dandelion greens are plentiful in the spring and can be used to make salads, soups, or sautéed as a side dish.

  • Asparagus: This seasonal vegetable is a popular choice for Beltane feasts and can be roasted, grilled, or sautéed as a side dish.

  • Eggs: Eggs are a symbol of fertility and new beginnings, making them a popular choice for Beltane feasts. Hard-boiled eggs can be colored and decorated as a fun and festive addition to the meal.

  • Honey cakes: Sweet treats made with honey are a traditional Beltane food, representing the sweetness of new beginnings and abundance. Honey cakes, mead, and other honey-based desserts are popular choices.

  • Fresh fruits: As the weather warms up, fresh fruits such as strawberries, cherries, and apricots become available. These can be enjoyed as a dessert or added to salads for a refreshing twist.

  • Barbecue: Grilling outdoors is a popular activity during Beltane, as it's a great way to celebrate the return of warm weather. Grilled meats, vegetables, and even fruit can be enjoyed as part of a Beltane feast.

Remember, the key to a successful Beltane feast is to keep it simple, fresh, and seasonal. Use locally sourced ingredients whenever possible, and focus on celebrating the abundance and fertility of the season.


Beltane is a time of new beginnings and growth, and divination can help you gain insight into the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Consider doing a tarot reading, casting runes, or using a pendulum to ask questions and receive guidance.

Rituals and Ceremonies:

Beltane is a sacred time, and rituals and ceremonies can help you connect with the energies of the season and set intentions for the coming months. You may want to create an altar with symbols of the god and goddess, light candles, and use incense to create a sacred atmosphere. Invite your guests to bring an item to add to the Beltane alter such as fresh flowers and fruit.

Nature Walk:

Take a nature walk and observe the signs of spring all around you. Look for wildflowers, birdsong, and budding trees. You may also want to do a meditation or visualization to connect with the earth and the energies of the season.

Arts and Crafts:

Get creative and make art or crafts that honor the season. You may want to make a wreath or garland of flowers, create a painting or drawing inspired by the season, or write a poem or song that celebrates the coming of spring.

There are many ways to celebrate Beltane with a group. Whether you choose to dance around the Maypole, light a bonfire, or make flower crowns, the most important thing is to connect with the energies of the season and honor the sacred union between the god and goddess. May your Beltane celebration be joyful, abundant, and blessed!


Beltane Walking Meditation


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