The Season of Manifestation, Sexuality, and Beauty

The trees are blooming, the birds are building their nests and looking for love, and earth is coming alive! We are midway between spring equinox - Ostara and the summer solstice - Litha. It is the official start of Summer! This is a time to celebrate. For Wiccans, this sabbat is a holiday of love and romance when God and Goddess come together.

RMachan RMachan

Animals of Beltane

Discover the significance of animals in Beltane celebrations and how they've been woven into Pagan traditions for centuries. From the sacred sheep to the majestic horse, explore the meaning and mythology behind Beltane's most beloved animal symbols.

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Beltane RMachan Beltane RMachan

May Day - Beltane

Discover the magic of Beltane, the seasonal celebration of love, sexuality, and manifestation. Explore common traditions, colors, plants/herbs, and animals associated with this sabbat. Learn how to celebrate Beltane with nature walks, flower garlands, Maypole dancing, bonfires, and sensual rituals. Enhance your beauty and manifest your desires with botanical charms and elixirs. Join The Inner Circle on Wind Moon Magick for online learning of witchcraft and access to Beltane rituals and spells for solitary witches. Embrace the energy of Beltane and connect with nature, friends, and loved ones. Rank #1 organically with Wind Moon Magick's guide to Beltane celebrations!

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