All About Selenite

Selenite is a type of crystal that has been used for centuries in magic and spiritual practices. It is named after the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene, and is believed to possess strong lunar energy. Modern witches use selenite in a variety of ways, including spell work, ritual, and moon magick.

In spell work, selenite is often used as a tool to cleanse and purify the aura. It is believed to have the ability to dispel negative energy and promote a sense of peace and calm. When working with selenite in spell work, it is common to hold the crystal in your dominant hand while reciting an incantation or affirmation.

Selenite is also a popular choice for use in rituals. It is often placed on the altar or around the perimeter of the ritual space to create a protective energy field. This crystal can also be used to invoke the energy of the moon, which is associated with intuition, emotions, and femininity. During a ritual, selenite can be used to connect with the goddess Selene or to honor the cycles of the moon.

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Moon magick is another area where selenite can be useful. The energy of the moon is said to influence our emotions, so working with selenite during the different phases of the moon can enhance the effects of your spell work or rituals. For example, during the new moon, selenite can be used to set intentions and start new projects. During the full moon, selenite can be used to release negative emotions and harness the power of the moon to manifest your desires.

Selenite is a powerful tool for modern witches. Its association with the moon and its ability to cleanse and purify make it a valuable addition to any practitioner's arsenal. Whether you're using it in spell work, ritual, or moon magick, selenite can help you connect with the lunar energy and enhance your spiritual practice.


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