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Common Name: Yarrow, woundwort, staunch weed, nosebleed, woundwort, carpenter’s weed, devil’s nettle

Family: Asteraceae

Parts Used: Aerial parts

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Energy: Feminine

Native To: North America, Central America, Europe, and Asia

Metaphysical, Magical, and Medicinal Properties of Yarrow

Yarrow, also known as milfoil and Achillea millefolium, is an herb that has been used for centuries in various cultures for its numerous benefits. From a metaphysical and magical perspective, yarrow is associated with protection, healing, and divination, making it a popular herb in spell work and rituals. In addition to its spiritual uses, yarrow is also known for its medicinal properties, making it a staple in traditional and natural remedies.

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Protection and Healing

In magic and rituals, yarrow is often used for its protective properties. It is believed to ward off negative energy and influences, making it a common ingredient in protection spells and amulets. Yarrow is also associated with healing, both physically and emotionally, and is often used in spells and rituals to promote physical and emotional well-being.


Yarrow has a long history of use in divination, particularly in the form of yarrow stalks. The stalks are used in a divination practice known as the I Ching, which involves casting yarrow stalks and interpreting the results to gain insight into the future or to make decisions.

Metaphysical Properties

In addition to its protective and healing properties, yarrow is also associated with courage and strength, making it a useful herb for those seeking personal growth and empowerment. Yarrow is also associated with the element of air and the planet Venus, making it a useful herb for those working with these elements in their magic and rituals.

Medicinal Properties

Yarrow has a long history of use in traditional medicine, and is considered to be a versatile and effective herb for a variety of health concerns. It has been used as an antiseptic, a diuretic, and an anti-inflammatory, and is also believed to be helpful for digestive and respiratory issues. Yarrow is also commonly used to promote wound healing and to reduce fevers.

In conclusion, yarrow is a versatile and powerful herb with a rich history of use in various cultures. From its protective and healing properties to its use in divination and spell work, yarrow is a must-have herb for any modern witch. Whether you are looking to add a touch of magic to your life or simply looking to improve your overall health, yarrow is an herb worth considering.



