Lammas Garden Zucchini Pasta


  • 2 medium zucchini

  • 1/2 package of spaghetti

  • 3 tbsp olive oil

  • 6 cloves garlic sliced thin

  • 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (optional)

  • salt and pepper to taste

  • garnish: fresh chopped basil

  • grated parmesan cheese

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  1. Boil the pasta, drain and set aside

  2. Trim and spiralize the zucchini. Then cut the spiralized zucchini into long noodles to be about the length of spaghetti.

  3. Add olive oil, garlic, and the red pepper flakes to a large, deep skillet. Turn to medium heat. When the oil bubbles around the garlic, add the zucchini noodles.

  4. Toss the noodles with pasta tongs and cook until al dente — they should be wilted but still have a crunch; 5 to 7 minutes. Do not let the noodles cook any longer, or else they will become mushy. As they cook, keep tossing so that all the zucchini noodles have a chance to hit the bottom of the skillet. Add the cooked pasta and toss all together.

  5. Stir in the salt and pepper to taste. Top with basil and parmesan cheese, and then cook for one minute. Use pasta tongs to transfer the noodles to a serving dish.

Lammas Zucchini Pasta printable Grimoire Page Wind Moon Magick
