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around June 20th-22nd


Litha, also known as Midsummer, is a celebration of the summer solstice and the peak of the sun's power. This sabbat falls around June 20th-22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and December 20th-22nd in the Southern Hemisphere. It marks the longest day of the year and the beginning of the descent into darkness.

Common Traditions:

Litha is a time to celebrate the abundance of the earth and to give thanks for the blessings of the sun. Many pagans and witches will light bonfires and jump over the flames for good luck and protection. This is also a time to celebrate fertility and the union of the God and Goddess.

To honor the Sun, build an altar with symbols of the sun such as sunflowers, solar crosses, and gold or yellow candles. Incorporate elements of fire, such as a red candle or a bowl of red stones, to represent the warmth and energy of the sun.

Take time to spend outside, whether it's a picnic, hike, or simply lounging in the sun. This is a time to soak up the sun's energy and to connect with nature.

This is also a time to celebrate new beginnings, so it's a great opportunity to set intentions and make wishes for the coming months. Many people choose to do this by writing down their desires and leaving them on the altar or by burying them in the earth.


Yellow, gold, red


Lemon balm, chamomile, marigold, sunflower, lavender

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Butterflies, dragonflies, bees, fireflies

Ideas to Celebrate:

  • Create a Sun Wheel or solar cross to decorate your altar or to hang in your home as a reminder of the power of the sun.

  • Perform a Litha Ritual for Solitary Witches

  • Make a flower crown or wreath to wear during the celebrations.

  • Have a bonfire or fire pit and jump over the flames for good luck.

  • Make a herbal sun tea.

    Wildberry Tea

  • Decorate your home with summer flowers and greenery.

  • Take a hike or spend time in nature to connect with the earth and the energy of the sun.

  • Perform a ritual or spell for abundance, fertility, and new beginnings.

  • Have a feast with foods that are in season such as berries, fruits, and vegetables.

  • Create a Litha Flower Bath, where you take a relaxing bath in warm water with herbs and flowers that are associated with the Sun, such as chamomile, marigold and lavender.

  • Take time to meditate and reflect on your intentions and goals for the coming months.

A Poem For Litha

Litha, the summer solstice,

A time of light, of warmth, of rejoice

The days are longest, the sun is high

Nature's power, a sight to spy

The fields are green, the flowers bloom

A symphony of scent, of color, in the room

The earth is alive, a celebration of life

As we honor the cycle, free from strife

The fire's burning, the drums are beating

As we dance and sing, our hearts are freeing

The magic of the season, it's in the air

A time for love, for joy, without a care

Litha, a time of celebration

For all that we have, all that is good

We give thanks for the blessings bestowed

And look forward to the path ahead, unrolled

So let us gather, let us sing

In celebration of the changing of things

Litha, a time of light and peace

May it bring you joy, love, and release.


Wildberry Tea