The Chariot

Control, willpower, success, action, determination, self discipline, lack of direction, opposition


  • The sphinx is symbolic of the senses. We are called to answer a riddle – using all of our senses and determining the secrets that may be holding us back.

  • His staff is a symbol of support, stability, direction, and singleness of purpose. The staff is also a symbolic representation of the numeral one, and as such it carries a meaning of new beginnings, first-attempts, and again, single-mindedness in thought as well as deed.

  • The stars on the canopy symbolize the shedding of light on our lives, offering us navigation when we need it, and providing consistency when our lives seem to be topsy-turvy.

The Chariot in Tarot represents control, determination, and strength. This card symbolizes the idea of taking control and taking charge, as well as the determination and strength needed to achieve your goals. The Chariot represents the idea of victory, success, and the power of determination and willpower to overcome obstacles and challenges.

In terms of interpretation, the Chariot often signals a time of taking control and taking charge, where one may be feeling empowered and confident in their ability to achieve their goals. This card may indicate a need for determination, strength, and willpower to overcome obstacles and challenges, and a need to focus on your goals and strive towards success. The Chariot also symbolizes the idea of balance, reminding us to find balance between our determination and willpower, and our need for rest and self-care.

In terms of magick and ritual, the Chariot can be a powerful tool for promoting control, determination, and strength. Some ideas for rituals include:

  • Performing a ritual to take control and take charge of your life, focusing on your goals and striving towards success

  • Focusing on manifestation and visualization, so that you can empower yourself and achieve your goals with ease

  • Performing a ritual to tap into your determination and willpower, so that you can overcome obstacles and challenges with ease

  • Focusing on balance, so that you can find balance between your determination and willpower, and your need for rest and self-care

The Chariot is a powerful symbol of control, determination, and strength, reminding us that even when we are feeling overwhelmed and burdened, we have the power within us to take control and take charge. Whether you're looking to find the determination and willpower you need to overcome obstacles and challenges, to focus on your goals and strive towards success, or simply to prioritize your own needs, this card is a powerful reminder to embrace your own strength and determination, focus on your goals, and never forget the power of manifestation and visualization. So go forth, take control, and never forget the power of determination, willpower, and balance.

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The Lovers