Seven of Wands

Challenge, competition, perseverance, overwhelm, protective

The Seven of Wands in Tarot represents confrontation, competition, and defense. This card is often associated with the idea of standing up for oneself, as well as the idea of facing challenges and obstacles head-on. It symbolizes a time of confrontation and competition, where one must defend their beliefs, values, and interests.

In terms of interpretation, the Seven of Wands often signals a time of confrontation and competition, where one may be facing challenges and obstacles in defending their beliefs, values, and interests. This card may indicate a period of conflict in a relationship, a competitive work environment, or a struggle to assert one's boundaries. The Seven of Wands is also a symbol of courage and determination, reminding us to stand up for ourselves and to defend our beliefs and values with conviction.

In terms of magick and ritual, the Seven of Wands can be a powerful tool for facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. Some ideas for rituals include:

  • Performing a ritual to increase your courage and determination, so that you can stand up for yourself and defend your beliefs and values with conviction

  • Focusing on self-assertiveness and boundary-setting, so that you can assert your needs and wants effectively

  • Performing a ritual to release fear and anxiety, so that you can approach challenges and confrontations with confidence and determination

  • Focusing on building resilience and inner strength, so that you can weather any storm and overcome any obstacle

The Seven of Wands is a powerful symbol of confrontation, competition, and defense, reminding us that standing up for oneself and facing challenges head-on is a necessary part of life. Whether you're facing conflict in your relationships, competing in the workplace, or simply trying to assert your boundaries, this card is a powerful reminder to embrace your courage and determination, to stand up for your beliefs and values, and to never forget the power of resilience and inner strength. So go forth, face your challenges with courage and determination, and never forget the power of self-assertiveness and boundary-setting.

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Nine of Wands


Knight of Wands