Three of Wands

Preparation, foresight, expansion, delays, obstacles


  • The ship deals with travel and journeys. Consider where your thoughts are traveling, what kind of baggage are you carrying around, and are you charting the best course for your thoughts and emotions?

  • Water deals with the deeper levels of the psyche and the subconscious.

  • Mountains deal with triumph, challenge, attainment, and realization. Mountains also represent timelessness and an endurance that is infinite.

The Three of Wands in Tarot represents growth, expansion, and the realization of potential. This card is often associated with the idea of looking towards the future and exploring new opportunities. It symbolizes the progression of a journey, as well as the desire to reach new heights and achieve success.

In terms of interpretation, the Three of Wands often signals a time of growth and expansion, where plans are coming to fruition and new opportunities are arising. This card may indicate a promotion, a successful business venture, or the recognition of one's potential. The Three of Wands is also a symbol of confidence and determination, reminding us to trust in our abilities and to continue moving forward towards our goals.

In terms of magick and ritual, the Three of Wands can be a powerful tool for manifestation and goal-setting. Some ideas for rituals include:

  • Creating a vision board or altar to focus on your goals and aspirations

  • Performing a ritual to align your actions and decisions with your goals, so that you are always moving towards your desired outcome

  • Writing down your goals and aspirations, and placing them in a special place where you can see them every day

  • Performing a ritual to increase your confidence and determination, so that you are better able to pursue your goals and achieve your dreams

The Three of Wands is a powerful symbol of growth and potential, reminding us to continue moving forward towards our goals and to never stop reaching for the stars. Whether you're pursuing a new opportunity, celebrating a recent success, or simply looking towards the future with hope and ambition, this card is a powerful reminder that the future is bright and that anything is possible. So go forth with confidence, embrace your potential, and never be afraid to reach for the stars.

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Five of Wands


Ace of Wands