The Blue Moon: The 13th Full Moon of the Year

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A Blue Moon is a rare phenomenon that occurs when there are two full moons in a single calendar month. The second full moon in that month is referred to as a Blue Moon. This occurs approximately once every 2.7 years.

The term "Blue Moon" is not related to the actual color of the moon, but rather to its rarity. A Blue Moon can appear to be a light blue color, but this is a result of dust or smoke in the atmosphere rather than a characteristic of the moon itself.

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The concept of a Blue Moon has been used for centuries to track time and the changing seasons. In some cultures, the Blue Moon was considered a powerful time for magic and spiritual reflection.


"Oh Blue Moon, ruler of the night sky, Bringer of magic and mystery high. With your silver light, so bright and true, I call upon you to bring power anew.

By the light of this Blue Moon so rare, I call forth my magic, with intention and care. May your power enhance and magnify, All spells cast under your watchful eye.

Oh Blue Moon, hear my call, Bring forth the power to achieve my all. With harm to none and love to all, By the power of the Blue Moon, I stand tall.

So mote it be."


In recent years, the term "Blue Moon" has taken on a broader meaning and is sometimes used to refer to any rare or unusual event. For example, "once in a Blue Moon" is used to describe a rare occurrence.

The Blue Moon is a unique and fascinating event that has been valued and revered by cultures throughout history. Whether you are an astronomer or simply enjoy observing the night sky, a Blue Moon is an event that should not be missed. So, the next time you hear someone say "once in a Blue Moon," be sure to look up and appreciate the beauty of this rare event!


April - The Pink Moon


March - the Worm Moon