January - the Wolf Moon
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The January full moon, also known as the Wolf Moon or Cold Moon, marks the first full moon of the year and is a powerful time for reflection and intention setting.
The name Wolf Moon comes from the belief that wolves howled in hunger during the cold, snowy winter months. This full moon is also known as the Cold Moon as it often falls during the darkest and coldest time of the year.
Witchcraft and Magic:
The January full moon is a powerful time for divination and setting intentions for the year ahead. Use this time to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the future. This can include spells for prosperity, love, and success. The energy of the Wolf Moon is also great for banishing negative energy, so this is a good time for cleansing and purifying rituals.
A popular ritual for the January full moon is to create a vision board or dreamcatcher, symbolizing your intentions for the year. You can also create a spell jar filled with symbols of your intentions and bury it in the earth. This can be done by creating a collage of images, words, and symbols that represent your goals, and then affixing them to a jar and burying it in a place that is special to you.
One popular spell for the January full moon is the "New Year, New Beginnings" spell. To perform this spell, light a candle and focus on your intentions for the year. As you gaze at the candle, visualize your goals coming to fruition. Repeat the following incantation:
"From the darkness, I call forth the light
New beginnings, now take flight
With the power of this Wolf Moon bright
My desires now manifest in sight"
Another spell to try is a prosperity spell, which can be done by writing your financial goals on a piece of paper and then burying it in a pot of soil with a coin. As the paper and coin decompose, they will release energy to manifest your goals.
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Additionally, you can also plant herbs that correspond to your intentions. For example, if you want to attract love, you can plant rose, basil, or mint. If you want to attract prosperity, you can plant basil, mint, or bay leaves.
In conclusion, the January full moon is a powerful time for reflection, setting intentions, and manifesting your goals. Remember to be specific and clear about what you want to achieve, and trust that the universe will help you manifest it. Use the energy of the Wolf Moon to banish negative energy and to attract positive energy into your life. Perform spells and rituals that align with your intentions, and trust that your desires will come to fruition.