10 Morning Rituals Every Witch Needs to Start Their Day Off Right!

I am so excited to share with you some of my favorite morning rituals that can help set the tone for a successful and magickal day.

I believe in the power of intention and setting the right energy for the day ahead. That's why I always start my day with a series of morning rituals that help me align my mind, body and spirit. So, whether you're a seasoned witch or just starting out, here are 10 morning rituals that you can try to start your day off on the right foot.

  1. I love to begin my day by smudging my home and myself with herbs from the garden. This clears any negative energy and sets a positive intention for the day ahead. My favorite is rosemary, but you can use anything you’d like.

  2. Taking a few minutes to sit in silence and focus on my breath is a great way to clear my mind and set intentions for the day ahead. If possible, I do this outside on my patio, the morning sun at my back, looking out at the garden as it wakes up for the day.

  3. I always write down my intentions for the day, no matter how big or small. This helps me stay focused and positive throughout the day. Get yourself a journal and a couple pens you love. Maybe use an oracle or tarot deck to help focus the mind first.

  4. Reflecting on the things I am grateful for in my life is a beautiful way to start my day with a positive outlook. This is a huge part of my journaling practice. Always keep a gratitude list to be adding to. Nothing is too small to be included.

  5. Grounding myself in the earth and centering my energy helps me feel more balanced and focused throughout the day. I like to walk through my yard barefoot and check on all the plants each morning. If the weather is nice, I’ll even bring my tea out along with my tarot deck and journal.

  6. Starting my day with a cup of tea (or on weekends coffee) sets the tone for the day ahead. I choose a tea that aligns with my intentions, such as peppermint tea for focus or chamomile tea for relaxation. Although most often I fall back to my favorite, English breakfast tea with a bit of her and half stirred in.

  7. Getting my body moving with a morning yoga practice or a walk around the block helps me feel energized and ready to tackle the day ahead. The dog is better behaved throughout the day after our walk too.

  8. Drawing a tarot or oracle card or two gives me a sense of what the day might hold and how to approach it.

  9. Starting my day with some uplifting or empowering music sets a positive tone for the day ahead.

  10. A cold shower and 10 minutes in front of a red light is a refreshing way to wake up and feel invigorated. It also helps to stimulate circulation, reduce stress, build collagen, and make you feel more alert. Honestly, my red light is one of my favorite parts of each day. I use it for ten minutes each morning and evening. Don’t skimp either, get one with near infrared for the very best results.

I take great care in selecting only the best items for you to shop, so that you can have complete confidence in your magickal practice. Please note, affiliate links are shared here as an means of supporting this website and my time and effort sharing great, well researched witchy content. Your support is greatly appreciated.

These rituals are just a few ideas to get you started. The most important thing is to find rituals that work for you and that you enjoy. Remember, the most important part of any ritual is the intention behind it, so make sure to set your intentions clearly and focus on them throughout the ritual.

And if you're looking to deepen your practice and learn more about witchcraft, I invite you to join the Inner Circle on Wind Moon Magick. This is a wonderful online community where you can connect with other witches, access exclusive content and learn more about the craft through online courses and workshops. It's a great way to take your practice to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals.

So, there you have it! My top 10 morning rituals for modern witches. I hope you found these tips helpful and that they inspire you to start your day off on the right foot. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to create magic and live your best life. Blessed be!



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