Forest Witch - Seven Ways to Invite in the Magick of the Woods

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I have a deep fondness for forests, wooded areas, and trees in general.  Perhaps this is due to having lived in the desert most of my life, where the sight of a tree signifies shelter and shade, as well as water.  There is a simple delight in standing amongst a grove of old growth trees and looking up into their branches to the sky beyond.

Forest witchery seems to mostly be a social media aesthetic when you search online.  Images of lush green forests, stone labyrinths, deep in the woods, and the adorable Mori Kai fashions of Japan.  But in my heart I know forest witchery is real, deep, and powerful.

Have you ever felt the call to lay down in the soil at the base of a great tree, nestling in among the leaves and acorns under a full moon?  Or the simple desire to reach out and touch the trunk of an ancient, twisting oak, pausing, maybe even resting your forehead against the gnarled bark? That is forest magic.

You have undoubtedly heard of Shinrin-yoku, forest bathing, and all the amazing healing benefits people experience.  Well, I encourage you, my witchy friends, to go out and try it for yourself.  Sit in the woods for your next ritual, tarot reading, or meditation and see how powerfully the surroundings amplify your magick.

Let’s explore seven ways to invite in the magick of the woods into your workings.

Terms to Know:


(noun) one who loves the beauty and solitude of the forest: a haunter of the woods

(pronoounced ne-‘mo-fe-list)


(verb) to wander, longingly, through the forest in search of mystery and the unknown


(verb) Japanese term meaning making contact with and taking in the atmosphere of the forest.

Get Your Shoes Off:

Nature walks and exploring the forest are wonderful ways to tap into the healing and regenerative powers of the woods.  But if you would like to amp up the effects, consider removing your shoes for a bit.  Sit next to a stream and let the icy cold water run over your feet as you feel the pebbles beneath them.  Or sit barefoot in meditation at the base of a tree.  Dig your toes into the soil and run your hands over the moss.  Let your skin come into contact with these natural textures.  Much like babies who need skin too skin contact with their parents, we witches need the powerful healing of the forest, and nothing beats skin to “skin” with Mother Nature.  Feeling really bold?  Find a safe, private location to strip off your clothing and try full body earthing.  Of course one must exercise due caution, checking for stinging plants, or biting insects, but until you have lain in a forest stream naked, allowing the water to run over your body, you will never know the true magick of the woods. Also referred to as earthing or grounding, many wonderful books exist which can further guide your experience.

Books on earthing and forest bathing:


The forest offers us powerful tools and ingredients for our magical inventory.  Pine needles, pine cones, acorns, leaves, soil, herbs, food, and branches can all be used for offerings, alter decorations, to make witchy brews, and as magical tools.  Never take more than you need, and always ask permission of the forest spirits or plant from which you are taking the items.  Even a fallen branch should be asked for before you take it.  Take a moment and listen for the answer too, sometimes you will be asked to leave an item, if you will only listen.

The Basic Witchy Brews online course has an extensive unit on foraging practices as well as commonly found herbs and safety.

Tools for foraging:

Many plants are edible and medical, but always cross check your identification oof any plant, and identify it with 100% certainty.

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Forest Spirits and Guides:

Land guardian spirits abound in the wildest parts of the woods.  Find a space to sit alone and in silence.  Before long you will begin to feel their presence, peaking out at you from among the trees.  Sit with them, listen to what they whisper in your ear, thank them for their stewardship of this sacred wood.  Before you go, leave an offering of a pretty crystal, acorns, or other biodegradable, natural offerings.

Invite a Tree Into Your Ritual:

Consider performing your next ritual or meditation at the base of a tree. Ask the tree if it is willing to participate, and listen closely for an answer before proceeding. Spend some time earthing and touching your tree, allowing you to get to know each other and connect prior to your ritual. Ask the tree to lend you some of its magick. Call upon the elements, which are so powerful in the forest, and begin your spell or ritual. Always use great caution if using candles or any kind of fire in your magick. And please, clean up your are when you are done. Thank the tree, and leave a special offering at its roots or in a branch, such as a feather or crystal. Learn about the different properties of types of trees to further enhance the magick of your spell or working.

Oak - strength, longevity, fertility

Willow - prophesy, divine inspiration

Birch - love spells and new beginnings

Yew - death and rebirth, the afterlife

Hawthorn - sexuality, love

Elder - second sight, Venus

Cedar - earth energy, grounding, life

Watch the Animals:

We can learn so much from watching the animals of the forest in a quiet, respectful way. They can teach us how to live in harmony with Mother Earth, as well as act as portents and symbols.

Deer - Innocence, purity, the moon

Fox - wildness, trickery, cunning

Bear - strength and endurance

Owl - Moon magick, wisdom, clarity

Squirrel - Agility, preparation, joy

Rabbit - magick, sex, abundance

Crows and Ravens - Fate, death, destiny, the dark realms

Re-Wild Your Lifestyle:

Lean into the changing of the seasons, learn a bit of bushcraft, practice herbalism and make natural crafts and medicines. There are so many ways we witches can deepen our connection to Mother Earth and the Wheel of the Year. The forest provides abundant resources for the witch looking to re-wild her lifestyle.

Book on re-wilding ourselves:

Camp in the Forest:

Hiking and camping in the woods, deepens our connection to the forest around us. When you spend the night and observe the changing of the light, see the shadows grow, and watch the wildlife closely, you are filling your senses with earth power. Nights in the forest are inherently magical. Sit by the fire and practice divination, or walk a little ways into the woods to work a ritual or spell.

Witchy camping items - the basics:

Always let someone know where exactly you will be camping, and take some form of protection such as bear spray (it works well on humans too!) And don’t forget the first aid kit.

There are my seven, favorite ways to invite the magick of the forest into your witchcraft practice. May your connection to Mother Earth, the trees of the woods, and the spirits who reside there grow ever stronger. We are their protectors and advocates in these days of industrialization. By building our relationship, we strengthen our power, supporting each other, and growing together.


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