Animals of Ostara

As a witch, I feel a deep connection to the natural world and all the creatures that inhabit it. And at no time of year do I feel this connection more strongly than during the season of Ostara, when the world comes alive with the energy of new beginnings and growth.

For me, the animals of Ostara hold a special place in my heart. Whether it's the fuzzy baby chicks that peep their way out of their eggs or the lively rabbits that dart through the fields, these animals are a symbol of the fertility and abundance that is available to us all.

But for me, the animals of Ostara represent more than just the external signs of spring. They are also a reminder of the power of transformation and the magic of rebirth. Just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, so too can we shed our old selves and emerge in a new and more vibrant form.

I find that spending time with animals during this time of year can be especially powerful. Whether it's visiting a local farm or simply spending time observing the birds in my backyard, being in the presence of these creatures helps me to connect with the natural world and to tap into the energy of new beginnings that is so abundant at this time.

Ostara is the Spring Equinox, celebrated around March 20th or 21st. Here are five animals that are often associated with Ostara:

  1. Rabbit:

    The rabbit is often associated with Ostara because it is a symbol of fertility and new beginnings. Rabbits are known for their ability to reproduce quickly, making them a fitting symbol for the season of growth and new beginnings.

    One of the primary associations of the rabbit is with fertility and abundance. Its ability to reproduce quickly and prolifically has made it a symbol of fertility and the cycles of life. The rabbit reminds us of the natural rhythms of growth and reproduction, inviting us to embrace the abundant possibilities and creative potential that exist within us and the world around us.

    In many cultures, it is associated with the moon and its cycles. Like the moon, the rabbit embodies qualities of intuition, sensitivity, and the hidden mysteries of the subconscious. It encourages us to tap into our intuition, to trust our inner guidance, and to explore the depths of our inner world.

    The rabbit's agility and swift movements make it a symbol of quick thinking, adaptability, and resourcefulness. It teaches us the importance of being nimble and responsive to the ever-changing circumstances of life. The rabbit inspires us to be flexible in our thinking, to find creative solutions to challenges, and to embrace the power of adaptability.

    The rabbit's presence often evokes a sense of playfulness, joy, and innocence. It reminds us to find delight in the simple pleasures of life, to approach challenges with a light-hearted spirit, and to cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity. The rabbit encourages us to embrace a childlike sense of joy and to infuse our lives with a spirit of playfulness.

    The rabbit's association with burrows and underground habitats represents the importance of finding safety, security, and a sense of grounding. It teaches us to create a sanctuary within ourselves, a place where we can retreat, nurture our well-being, and connect with our inner wisdom.

  2. Duck:

    The duck is often associated with Ostara because it is seen as a symbol of renewal and new beginnings. Ducks are known for their ability to adapt to changing environments and their resilience, making them a fitting symbol for the season of growth and transformation.

    The duck's association with water reflects its connection to emotions, intuition, and the subconscious realm. It symbolizes the ability to navigate the depths of our emotions with ease and grace. Like water, the duck encourages us to flow with life's currents, allowing our emotions to guide us and embracing the healing and transformative power of emotional exploration.

    Furthermore, the duck's affinity for both land and water represents the duality of existence and the importance of balancing different aspects of life. It embodies the idea of adaptability, effortlessly moving between different environments and embodying the ability to find comfort and strength in various situations.

    The duck's association with flight signifies the ability to rise above challenges and to explore new horizons. It symbolizes the freedom to explore different perspectives, to broaden our understanding, and to expand our consciousness. The duck invites us to spread our wings, to embrace our inner potential, and to soar to new heights in our personal and spiritual growth.

    The duck's symbolism also encompasses themes of family, community, and nurturing. Ducks are known for their strong bond with their offspring and their commitment to the well-being of their family. They symbolize the importance of building and maintaining loving relationships, nurturing and protecting those we hold dear, and creating a sense of belonging and unity within our communities.

  3. Robin:

    The robin is often associated with Ostara because it is seen as a symbol of renewal and new beginnings. Robins are known for their bright red breasts, which are a sign of spring, and their cheerful songs, which bring joy to the season.

    The robin, a beloved messenger of spring, announces the arrival of warmer days and the awakening of nature. With each joyful chirp, it carries the whispers of hope, renewal, and the promise of fresh beginnings. The robin exemplifies the nurturing and protective qualities associated with motherhood and family, diligently crafting nests, laying eggs, and nurturing their young. It inspires us to embrace the same dedication in safeguarding what we hold dear, whether it be our cherished loved ones or our precious dreams and aspirations.

    It serves as a symbol of our inherent connection to the Earth, gently guiding us towards a harmonious existence with nature. As we observe the robin, we are reminded to pause and marvel at the bountiful beauty and abundance that surrounds us in the natural environment, nurturing a profound sense of gratitude within our hearts.

    Its timely arrival may be regarded as a sign or message from the divine or beloved souls who have traversed beyond the veil. By attuning our senses to the subtle dance of synchronicity and listening to the whispers of our intuition, we unlock a deeper connection to the wisdom that the robin brings, guiding us on our path.

    With a vibrant red breast and a melodic song, the robin paints our world with a palette of joy and cheerfulness. Its spirited presence uplifts our spirits, inviting us to savor the simple pleasures that dance before us.

    With the robin as our guide, we embark on a journey illuminated by the light of possibility and the warm embrace of hope, knowing that every dawn brings forth the promise of a fresh start.

  4. Butterfly:

    The butterfly is often associated with Ostara because it is a symbol of transformation and renewal. Butterflies are known for their ability to emerge from their cocoons as beautiful and graceful creatures, making them a fitting symbol for the season of growth and transformation.

    The butterfly emerges as a wondrous symbol of transformation and renewal. With its delicate and graceful wings, it encapsulates the essence of growth and metamorphosis, reminding us of the profound beauty that arises from embracing change. The butterfly's journey from cocoon to flight mirrors our own transformative processes, inspiring us to embrace the seasons of growth and adaptability that life presents.

    As the butterfly gracefully transitions through its various stages, it teaches us the power of resilience and adaptability. It shows us that even in the face of challenges, we possess an innate strength that allows us to navigate through life's twists and turns. The butterfly's dance reminds us to be flexible, to welcome change with open hearts, and to find strength amidst transitions. It assures us that we have the capacity to overcome obstacles and emerge from adversity stronger and more resilient than before.

    The sheer beauty and vibrant hues of the butterfly's wings stir a sense of awe and wonder within us. In its presence, we are reminded to celebrate the exquisite wonders of nature and to recognize the inherent beauty within ourselves. Its vibrant wings symbolize the potential for transcendence, reminding us that we can rise above challenges and limitations to experience profound moments of grace and beauty.

    The butterfly is deeply intertwined with spiritual awakening and the evolution of consciousness. Its transformative journey from a humble caterpillar to a majestic butterfly mirrors the spiritual path of seeking higher truths and expanding our awareness.

    The life cycle of the butterfly, from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis and ultimately to the emergence of a butterfly, serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of change. It invites us to embrace the cycles of growth and change within ourselves, knowing that through each metamorphosis, we have the opportunity to emerge as our most authentic and vibrant selves. The butterfly carries a message of profound transformation, inviting us to embrace the inherent potential within us and embark on a journey of self-evolution.

  5. Hare:

    The hare is often associated with Ostara because it is a symbol of fertility and new beginnings. Hares are known for their ability to adapt to changing environments and their resilience, making them a fitting symbol for the season of growth and transformation.

    Hares are known for their acute senses, particularly their sharp hearing and keen awareness of their surroundings. The wild hare encourages us to trust our intuition, to be attentive to our surroundings, and to tap into the deeper wisdom that resides within us.

    The hare is also closely associated with the cycles of nature and the lunar energy. Its behavior and reproductive patterns are often linked to the phases of the moon. Like the moon, the wild hare embodies qualities of femininity, fertility, and the cycles of life. It serves as a reminder of the natural rhythms and cycles that govern our existence, encouraging us to honor the ebb and flow of life, and to connect with the creative and fertile aspects of our being.

    In many cultures, the hare is considered a symbol of transformation and rebirth. Its ability to run swiftly and gracefully represents agility and adaptability. The wild hare teaches us to embrace change, to navigate through life's challenges with grace, and to embrace the process of personal growth and transformation. It symbolizes the potential for shedding old patterns, habits, and beliefs, and emerging as a new and evolved version of ourselves.

    The wild hare's presence is often associated with abundance, luck, and good fortune. It is considered a symbol of prosperity and blessings, reminding us of the rewards that come from living in harmony with nature and embracing the cycles of life. The wild hare encourages us to open ourselves to the abundance that surrounds us and to trust in the flow of life's blessings.

Hares vs Rabbits: What’s the Difference?

While hares and rabbits are often confused for one another due to their similar appearance, they are actually quite different. Hares are generally larger and have longer ears and legs than rabbits, as well as distinctive black markings on their fur. They are also typically faster and more solitary than rabbits, preferring to live alone or in small groups rather than in large colonies. In terms of behavior, hares are known for their tendency to make shallow nests on the ground, while rabbits are known for their burrowing behavior. Additionally, hares have a different reproductive cycle than rabbits, with females giving birth to fully furred and active young that are able to move and feed themselves almost immediately after birth.

Of course, there are many ways to honor the animals of Ostara and to connect with their energy. Some witches choose to work with animal spirits during ritual or meditation, while others incorporate animal imagery into their altars or spell work. Personally, I like to spend time simply being present with the animals and observing their behavior, allowing their energy to inspire me and guide me on my own path of growth and transformation.

I hope that you too can find inspiration and joy in the animals of Ostara, and that their energy can help to guide you towards a season of growth and abundance.


Ostara: The Fertility Goddess of Spring and Renewal

