Season 1, Episode 2: Moon Magick

Welcome to episode two of the Wind Moon Magic podcast. Today we're setting sail for a lunar adventure, delving deep into the mysteries and secrets of the moon. I'm your guide Wind Moon, and I am absolutely thrilled to have you here with me today. So grab your comfiest blanket, light a few candles, and let's embark on a magical journey through the realm of moon magic and the lunar cycles.

As a practicing eclectic solitary witch and herbalist, I've always been captivated by the mystical and the natural world. Through my experiences and deep connection with nature, I have embraced the path of rewilding, finding solace and inspiration in the untamed beauty that surrounds us. On this podcast, we'll explore the realms of modern witchcraft, magic, and herbalism.

Together, we'll unlock the secrets of the craft, dive into the mysteries of the moon phases, and discover the healing power of plants and herbs. I also host a special membership, The Inner Circle, where you'll find over 22 courses covering various aspects of modern witchcraft, magic, and herbalism, with new courses added regularly.

Whether you're a seasoned witch seeking to deepen your practice, or a curious soul just beginning to explore the magical arts, the Wind, Moon, Magic podcast and Inner Circle have something for you. So get ready to embrace the magic of the wind and the moon. As we journey together into the realms of witchcraft, rewilding, and herbalism, let's discover the hidden treasures of nature and unlock the power that resides within each of us.

Let's dive into the fascinating world of the moon and its enchanting influence on us witches. The moon has always had a special place in spiritual and magical traditions all over the globe. It's like a cosmic companion showing us the way with its ever changing faces. shining a light in the darkness and silently witnessing our dreams and desires.

But first, I want to acknowledge and thank everyone who tuned into the first episode of the podcast. This is so new for me, and I hope to improve a great deal. However, your love and support has taken my breath away. I never dreamed so many of you would tune in and send such kind messages of encouragement.

Thank you. If you have suggestions or ideas for future episodes, please reach out via the website or Instagram. Links to both of those are included in the show notes. In this episode of the podcast, we're going to fully immerse ourselves in the moon's dance and explore the intricate web of lunar cycles.

The moon isn't just some pretty light in the night sky, it actually stirs something deep within us. Each phase of the moon has its own unique energy and symbolism, impacting not only the natural world, but also our spiritual growth and personal transformation. We'll uncover the magic that lies within each lunar phase, from the powerful intentions of the new moon to the radiant glow of the full moon.

We'll learn how to work with the waxing and waning energies, using them to manifest our dreams, let go of what no longer serves us, and find balance within ourselves and the world around us. The moon has always been a muse for spiritual seekers. It's guided rituals and empowered our spell casting. It even inspires mystical traditions from ancient mythological moon goddesses to the wise witches who sought its wisdom.

The moon has been revered as a powerful ally. As we embark on this lunar adventure together, we'll explore a diverse range of moon related practices from various cultures and magical systems. We'll blend ancient wisdom with modern perspectives, honoring tradition while also embracing innovation. But most importantly, we'll create a space for personal experience and insights, celebrating our own unique paths as we dance under the moonlight.

So my lovely listeners, get ready to embrace the wonders of moon magic. We're about to unlock the secrets of the moon's phases, delve into the art of rituals and spellcasting, and discover how to align ourselves with the moon's cycles for personal growth and spiritual connection. Together, we'll fully immerse ourselves in the mystical embrace of the moon's energy, and let it guide us on our soul's journey.

Before we get into all that though, Our story today is about Selene. You've probably heard of Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon. She has quite a fascinating mythology surrounding her origins. In mythology, Selene was considered one of the Titans, the ancient deities who ruled before the Olympians took power.

She was the daughter of the Titans Hyperion, the god of light, and Theia, the goddess of sight. According to the ancient tales, Selene was said to drive a chariot across the night sky, pulling the moon behind her. She was often depicted as a beautiful woman with a radiant crown or sometimes a crescent moon on her head.

Selene was known for her ethereal glow and serene presence captivating all who gazed upon her. She was also closely connected with the goddess Artemis, goddess of the hunt, and they were sometimes depicted as riding together in the chariot, each representing a different aspect of the moon. Really, they could almost be considered different aspects of the same goddess.

As you'll see in our story today, Selene was associated with the full moon, symbolizing its bright, luminous form, while Artemis represented the crescent moon, and she embodied its youthful and growing phase. Let's dive into one of my favorite myths featuring Selene and Artemis. This one's all about a nymph named Callisto, and the twists and turns of love, betrayal, and transformation that befell her.

Once upon a time, Callisto, a lovely nymph, caught the attention of Artemis. The goddess of the hunt and the moon. Callisto was a loyal companion of Artemis, and she had taken a vow of chastity dedicating her entire life to the purity and the pursuit of adventure alongside Artemis. Callisto loved Artemis deeply, but Alas fate had something else in store for Callisto.

Zeus, king of the gods set his sights on the nymph and couldn't resist her charm in a typically sneaky move. Zeus disguised himself as Artemis to make his move, fooling poor Callisto into a passionate encounter. Remember, Callisto loved Artemis. Well, when Artemis discovered the truth, she was furious with Callisto for breaking her vow of chastity.

Some versions of the story say Artemis transformed the nymph into a bear as punishment. A harsh reminder of her transgression. Some say she struck her down, stripping her of her magic, and leaving her desolate and alone, shunned. Callisto was devastated at any rate. She refused to eat, bathe, or care for her newborn son.

This is the version that features Selene, and where she enters the stage. Our moon goddess, Ever watchful over the nighttime realm, witnessed Callisto's plight and felt a deep empathy for the shunned nymph. Selene's heart swelled with compassion and she bestowed her gentle moonlight upon Callisto, transforming her into a bear, bringing her solace and protection under the moon's light.

Well, time passed, and Callisto, now in the form of a bear, roamed the forests alone. But the tale doesn't end there, my friends. You see, Callisto's son was fathered by none other than Zeus himself. And Destiny, being the intricate web it is, had a reunion in store for mother and son. One day, as Arcus was hunting in the woods, he unknowingly came across the bear that was his own transformed mother.

He readied his bow to strike, but Selene, ever the caring goddess, intervened. She froze Arcus and Callisto in their tracks. preserving their lives and love to honor their bond and protect them from harm. Selene transformed Callisto into the constellation Ursa Major, the great bear, and Arcus into Ursa Minor, the little bear.

There they remain forever side by side in the night sky, a testament to a mother's love and the enduring connection between celestial beings and mortals. This myth reminds us of the complexities of love, the consequences of betrayal, and the power of transformation. It showcases the compassion of Selene.

Let us carry the story of Callisto and her celestial journey with us as we explore our own paths. May it inspire us to embrace our own transformations, find compassion in our hearts, and honor the bonds that connect us to the divine and to each other. In various religions and cultures, Selene was worshipped and honored through rituals and festivals dedicated to the moon.

Her presence in ancient Greek mythology showcases the significance and reverence given to the moon's celestial beauty and its profound influence on the world and human emotion. Alright, my magical friends, let's dive into the world of moon magic. Get ready to explore the eight phases of the moon and discover the unique and energy and symbolism they hold will kick things off with the new moon.

It's a time of fresh beginnings, kind of like hitting the reset button on your intentions. The energy of the new moon is all about setting goals, planting the seeds of desire, and manifesting your heart's desires. If you're looking to cast some spells during the new moon, you're in luck. This phase is perfect for spells related to new beginnings, personal growth, and attracting opportunities.

So, maybe you want to kickstart a project, or enhance your self care routine, or maybe invite abundance into your life. The new moon has got your back. How can we harness the magic of the new moon and set these powerful intentions. One beautiful ritual is creating a sacred space for yourself during the new moon.

Find a quiet corner in your home or outdoors where you can be undisturbed. Set up an altar with items that hold personal significance to you. Crystals, flowers. Symbols of the moon, statues of the goddesses, really anything that resonates with your intentions. Take a moment, ground yourself, perhaps through deep breathing or meditation.

There are many ways to ground yourself. Allow your energy to settle and align with the energy of the new moon. And then, with focused intention, try writing down your desires, dreams, or goals on a piece of paper. Be specific, use vivid language, and be heartfelt in your words. After writing down your intentions, you can perform a ritual to symbolize their manifestation.

This can be simple. It can be lighting a candle and speaking your intentions loud, or you can make it more elaborate by incorporating elements such as incense and essential oils and crystals. However you do it, trust your intuition to guide you in creating a ritual that feels authentic to you. That's always the key.

Let's talk new moon correspondences. When it comes to You might be a little bit surprised by the ones I've chosen, but when it comes to herbs, Consider working with fresh, vibrant plants, things like lavender, rosemary, and jasmine. These beautiful plants resonate with the new beginning energy, and they're known for their purifying and uplifting qualities.

As for crystals, clear quartz, moonstone, and amethyst are all excellent choices. Clear quartz, as you know, amplifies intentions. Moonstone is really tied to our intuition and enhancing intuition, and Amethyst provides spiritual protection and clarity. These crystals can supercharge your spellwork and create a harmonious connection with the new moon's energy.

Oh, and let's not forget one of my favorite things, animal correspondences. The new moon has a mystic. mysterious and sort of secret vibe. So animals like the owl and the cat are often associated with this phase. Their keen senses and nocturnal nature align well with the energy of new beginnings and unseen possibilities.

You can evoke their energy as you work your magic seeking wisdom and tapping into your intuition. That's going to be a common theme tapping into your intuition. Remember the new moon is like a blank canvas. It's just

and let the universe know what you're calling into your life at this time. The waxing phase of the moon is a time of growth and expansion, forward momentum. So just as the moon gathers light with each passing day, we too can amplify our intentions and goals. During this time, the energy of the waxing moon is ideal for spells, rituals, and practices that really focus on manifesting those desires, attracting abundance and embracing personal growth.

It's a time to nurture the seeds we planted during the new moon and watch them bloom into reality. One powerful practice during the waxing moon is to revisit and reaffirm your intentions. Take a moment, connect with the intentions you set during the new moon and infuse them with renewed energy.

Visualize your desires as if they've already manifested and feel that excitement and joy that accompanies their fulfillment. Rituals that incorporate the elements of growth and expansion are particularly potent during the waxing moon phase. Consider working with herbs, crystals, and symbols that will align with your intentions.

Charge your tools under the Waxing Moon's light to infuse them with its energetic potency. And by engaging in rituals that amplify your intentions, you begin to align yourself with the abundant energy of the Waxing Moon. When we talk about the Waxing Moon, it can be divided into three parts. The Waxing Crescent.

waxing first quarter and waxing gibbous moon. So let's talk a little bit about the waxing crescent. This is where growth inspiration and new possibilities come into play. If you're looking to supercharge your spell work and manifest your dreams, this is the time to do it. The energy of the Waxing Crescent is like a gentle breeze that just carries your intentions forward, helping them take root and flourish.

So what kind of spell works best? Well, think of spells that align with growth, creativity, and attracting positive opportunities. Whether you want to nurture a new project or enhance your artistic talents or just invite abundance into your life, the Waxing Crescent is strong. Herbs like basil, mint, and lemon balm, they're perfect companions for this phase.

They carry that fresh, vibrant energy and they're known to be uplifting and invigorating. Incorporating these herbs in your spellwork can help. boost growth, that creative mindset, and attract new opportunities. When it comes to crystals, consider working with crystals like Citrine, Green Aventurine, and Carnelian.

Citrine promotes abundance and success, Green Aventurine enhances creativity and growth, and Carnelian, it's really tied to motivation and passion. These crystals can act as powerful allies, amplifying your intentions and infusing them with the energy of the waxing crescent moon. Let your imagination soar.

This is the time to set your intentions. Take inspired action with the right correspondences by your side, those vibrant herbs and energizing crystals. You'll be in a perfect flow to manifest your desires. The first quarter moon phase is all about overcoming any obstacles and taking direct action towards our goals.

It's like a cosmic nudge. It urges us to step up, make things happen. If you're looking for some powerful spells, the first quarter is your time to shine. The energy is. just electric. Charging us with determination and that can do attitude. Think of spells that empower you, boost your confidence, and help you tackle challenges head on.

Whether you want to break through barriers, achieve your ambitions, or manifest your desires. Cinnamon, ginger, clove, these are all fantastic allies for this phase. They possess fiery qualities that ignite our inner strength and courage. Incorporating herbs like these into our spellwork can fuel your determination and help you overcome any hurdles in your path.

Garnet, Tiger's Eye, Pyrite. These are strong. Garnet stimulates passion and perseverance. Tiger Eye enhances willpower and focus. And I think you all know that Pyrite brings abundance, but it also brings confidence. These crystals will act as your personal cheerleaders. They'll boost your energy and support you on your journey through the first quarter.

Again, the first quarter is all about overcoming obstacles and taking action, while the waxing gibbous phase brings expansion. abundance and just continues to build that momentum. The waxing gibbous phase is the universe cheering you on, saying you've got this. The energy is buzzing with potential, ready to amplify your intentions and manifest your desires.

Now, within the waxing gibbous phase, is the time for spells that magnetize abundance, attract opportunities, and enhance your growth. So if you want to manifest prosperity or nurture your relationships, expand your horizons, this moon is here to support you. Think about herbs like patchouli, jasmine, and honeysuckle.

They possess rich intoxicating aromas that capture the essence of abundance and growth. Incorporating these herbs into your spell work can enhance your manifestation powers and draw. positive opportunities your way. Again, Citrine, Green Aventurine, and Pyrite are strong. Citrine brings abundance and success.

Green Aventurine promotes growth and prosperity. And Pyrite ignites confidence and wealth. These crystals will amplify your intentions. Ah, and then we reach the grand moment, the full moon, every witch's favorite. It's the pinnacle of magic, filled with power, heightened intuition, and just a magnificent display of radiant energy.

It's truly something to celebrate and harness for our rituals. The energy of the full moon is intense. It's a culmination of energies that amplify our spells and manifestations. What kind of spellwork is most effective during this phase? Hmm, really it's all about spells that include manifestation, divination, and embracing your intuition.

Whether you want to charge your crystals, perform potent rituals, or engage in deep self reflection, the full moon is your time to shine. One beautiful and very simple ritual you can perform during the full moon is charging your crystals and sacred objects. Place them under the moonlight overnight, allow them to absorb the lunar energy, and fuse them with intention, and this enhances their vibrational potency and aligns them with your desires.

Moon water can be made for use throughout the month. It's traditionally used for cleansing, but I make enough to drink all month as part of some glamour magic. Get creative! You can even add flowers like honeysuckle or water safe crystals like clear quartz to your moon water. Another powerful practice is writing down your intentions or desires on a piece of paper.

Take a moment to connect with your heart's desires and pour your energy into these written words. Then, during the full moon, go outside and read them aloud, releasing them, sending them out into the universe. Allow the full moon's energy to amplify your words and set the wheels of manifestation in motion.

Full moon rituals often involve a space that is sacred or an altar. This can be adorned with flowers, candles, symbolic objects. It's a nice time to bring out the goddess statues. Take The time to connect with your intuition and perform rituals that resonate with you personally. Whether it's meditating under the moonlight, performing a moon salutation, or engaging in a releasing ceremony, trust your intuition to guide you to find the practice that will align with your needs and desires.

When it comes to spell casting, the full moon is ideal for spells that focus on manifestation, abundance, amplification. You can craft spells using herbs, candles, crystals, and work with the energy of the full moon to infuse your spell with heightened power, visualizing your desires coming to fruition as you cast.

As you engage in rituals and spells and practices under the full moon, remember to listen to your heart. Trust your intuition. I say that over and over. Allow yourself to be present in the moment. Embrace the potent energy that surrounds you. Release your doubts. And fears and surrender to the magic that the full moon offers.

Finally, remember that the full moon's energy extends beyond a single night. You can work with its energy in the days leading up to and following the Full Moon. This extended period allows you to really immerse yourself in the transformative powers of the moon and continue to amplify your intention.

Now let's talk correspondences, shall we? Animals like the wolf and the owl hold a special connection to the full moon. The wolf embodies primal energy, intuition, and the wild spirit, while the owl symbolizes wisdom, inner knowing, and heightened perception. These majestic creatures can be your guides as you delve into the full moon's magic.

My Favorite animal energy of the full moon is the fox. The fox is seen as a creature that embodies the cunning and adaptability needed to navigate the darkness of the night, just as the moon illuminates the nocturnal world. The fox is known for its ability to move silently and gracefully under the cover of darkness, symbolizing the hidden wisdom and intuition that the moon represents.

It's believed that the fox possesses a deep connection to the, to the lunar realm and can serve as a guide in accessing the moon's mysteries and harnessing its energy. In moon magic, the fox is often seen as a spirit animal or totem that aids in spiritual journeys and divination. Its keen senses and sharp instincts are said to heighten one's intuition, enabling a deeper understanding of the subtle energies present during the moon's cycles.

Maybe that's why so many witches are so attracted to fox energy. Additionally, the fox is associated with transformation and shape shifting. Often this is how foxes are portrayed in folklore and mythology. This attribute aligns with the transformative nature of the moon and its influence on personal growth and spiritual evolution.

The fox encourages us to embrace change, adapt to new situations, harness the lunar energy for personal transformation. When working with moon magic, incorporating the energy of the fox can really enhance spells and rituals, even meditations. It can help you attune to the moon's energy, tap into your intuition, and navigate the hidden realms of the subconscious.

Full moon herbs? I'm going to suggest lavender, mugwort, and jasmine. Lavender promotes relaxation and enhances psychic abilities. Mugwort deepens intuition. and it aids in dream work, and Jasmine heightens spiritual connection and enhances manifestation. Incorporating these herbs into your spell work during the full moon can intensify your intentions and create a sacred atmosphere.

Then let's not forget about crystals. Moonstone, Clear Quartz, and Selenite are powerful companions during full moon magic. Moonstone enhances intuition and feminine energies. Clear Quartz amplifies intentions and clarity, and Selenite cleanses. Everybody knows it cleanses but it also really charges energy.

These crystals can help you tap into the full moon's energy and channel it into your spells and rituals. The full moon is also when I bring out all my jewelry, tarot and oracle decks, altar cloths, beauty products, a whole array of things that I bring out to charge under the moon's When the full moon graces the sky, embrace its powerful energy, connect with your inner wisdom, let your intentions soar.

As we transition into the waning phase of the moon, that phase where the moon is growing darker, we enter a time of release. Vanishing. Letting go. The waning moon encourages us to shed what can no longer serve us and make space for new beginnings. It's a powerful phase for healing, closure, and really taking time for introspection.

During the waning moon, consider rituals and practices that support your journey of release and healing. Journaling and art journaling can be a transformative tool to explore your emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Use your book of shadows. Write down what you wish to let go of, whether it's negative patterns, limiting beliefs, situations that are holding you back.

Then, as you release these words onto the page, visualize them dissolving into the darkness, freeing you from their grip. Another practice during the waning moon is the creation of banishing rituals. This ritual can be simple. It could be lighting a black candle and declaring your intention to release what hinders you.

Allow the flame to symbolize the transformation and liberation that comes with letting go. Then trust the moon's support of energy as you navigate the path of release. Like the waxing phase of the moon, the waning phase can be subdivided into three parts. As the moon first starts to wane, we enter the waning gibbous phase.

This is when we release what no longer serves us. We cleanse our energy and we make space for new beginnings. The energy here is gentle, but it is powerful, guiding us to let go of what no longer serves, and creating space for new beginnings. What kinds of spells are most effective during this phase? I want you to think of spells that involve banishing, releasing negative energy, and tying up loose ends, finishing projects.

Whether you want to release old patterns, or let go of emotional baggage, or just clear your space, the Waning Gibbous is here to support you. Herbs like lavender, sage, and rosemary are wonderful allies during this phase. Lavender promotes relaxation and purification, sage cleanses and purifies energy, and rosemary really brings clarity and protection.

Incorporating these herbs into your spellwork can assist you in releasing what no longer serves your highest good. and They'll purify your energy field, for sure. You might want to consider working with Amethyst, Obsidian, and Black Tourmaline. Amethyst supports spiritual growth and aids in releasing negative patterns.

Obsidian helps us in cutting cords. letting go. And black tourmaline provides grounding and protection. I like to sleep with black tourmaline next to my bed during this phase of the moon. These crystals are great allies. They'll assist you in releasing unwanted energies, creating a clean slate, new beginnings.

Then comes the third quarter, a time of introspection, evaluation, and tapping into our inner wisdom. If you're looking to work some transformative spells, this is a great time to do that. The energy is introspective. It guides us to dive. Deep into our inner realms and really look for insight. Think of spells that involve releasing old patterns, embracing transformation, whether you want to gain clarity or let go of limiting beliefs or connect with your intuition, do it during the third quarter.

Herbs that I like to use during the third quarter include chamomile, yarrow, let's see, lemon balm, chamomile. Promotes relaxation. It's, uh, pretty powerful for introspection. Yaro aids in releasing emotional blockages. And Lemon Balm is just such a lovely herb. It really enhances clarity and inner peace. And when you incorporate these three herbs into your spell work, You can really dive deep into your inner realms and begin to gain insight as far as crystals.

Again, I would say amethyst really anytime during the moon cycle. Amethyst is a strong one. Labradorite and moonstone amethyst. I've already mentioned it. It's really a support stone for spiritual growth. It enhances our intuition. Labradorite brings forth hidden truths. and promote self discovery, while Moonstone enhances that feminine energy that's so powerfully tied to moon magic and intuition.

These crystals can act as guides. They can assist you in connecting with your inner wisdom and embracing inner transformation. Moving on, we arrive at the Waning Crescent, where healing, dream work, and connecting with our subconscious take center stage. The energy is It's super gentle, yet profound during this time, and it guides us to embrace inner healing and really tap into the mystical realms that lie within us.

Think of spells that involve dreamwork, astral projection, divination, connecting with your intuition. So maybe you want to enhance your psychic abilities, or release emotional wounds, receive guidance from ancestors, or the spirit world, the Waning Crescent is here to support you. Herbs like lavender, mugwort and jasmine are Delightful.

Lavender promotes relaxation, it enhances dream work, mugwort deepens that intuition, it aids us in connecting with the subconscious, and jasmine really heightens spiritual connection and manifestation. These herbs can work together to create. sacred space for inner exploration and healing. And then finally, we reach the dark moon just before the new moon, where we embrace stillness, rest, great time for rest, and reflection.

Now, you might be wondering, what's the difference between the dark moon and the new moon? Well, the new moon is the very beginning of the lunar cycle, when we can't see the moon in the sky. The dark moon refers specifically to the night just before the new moon, when the sky is at its It's like a cosmic pause, a moment of stillness and reflection before that cycle begins anew.

During the dark moon, the energy is mysterious, introspective, and so potent. It's a time for deep, deep inner work, shadow exploration, and... Leaning into the world and the power of the unseen. This phase is perfect for spell work that involves banishing, releasing, and letting go of anything that no longer serves you.

If you are seeking to shed old patterns or break free from negative influences, The Dark Moon is here to support you. This is the time to give up that emotional baggage. During this time when the night sky is cloaked in darkness, the veil between the physical and the spiritual worlds is believed to be the thinnest.

So divination practices such as tarot reading, scrying, dream interpretation, These can be particularly potent under the influence of the dark moon. The lack of external illumination encourages us to turn inward, delving deep into our intuition. By embracing the stillness and the silence of the dark moon, we create a sacred space where messages from the spirit realm can more readily be received and understood.

So, as the dark moon approaches, set aside time for divination work. Trust your inner knowing and allow the mysteries of the unseen to unfold when it comes to correspondences Animal energies do play an intriguing role during this phase Think about nocturnal animals such as owls and bats those really resonate with the dark moon These creatures navigate the darkness with incredible grace.

They embody wisdom and guidance just like we need for our own inner journeys. Incorporating their symbolism and energy into your spellwork can enhance your connection with the unseen and help you tap into the depths of your intuition. Additionally, herbs like mugwort, wormwood, and frankincense are potent allies during the dark moon.

Mugwort enhances dreamwork and intuition. Wormwood aids in banishing negativity and enhancing our psychic abilities, while frankincense It's a purifying and, um, it really raises our spiritual vibrations. These herbs can be used in rituals and spell work. They just create a sacred atmosphere, heighten your intuition, and assist in releasing what no longer serves you.

When we align our magical practices with the energy of each lunar phase, we are really tapping into the moon's ancient wisdom and enhancing the power of our intentions. So whether it's casting spells, performing rituals, charging crystals, creating moon water, whatever it is. The moon spaces serve as our roadmap, guiding us through the ever changing tides of its energy.

Using the moon to guide your magic and ritual, it's one of the best places to start. For new practitioners, for those just wishing to become more intentional and consistent in their magic practice, really for anyone, using the moon as a roadmap can only help your magic practice. So, take a moment, attune yourself to each phase, embrace its symbolism, let it be your guide.

The moon is here as your ally, it's ready to witness your dreams. Go forth, weave your magic beneath the moonlit sky. I want to talk just briefly about moon signs. In astrology, the moon sign represents our emotional nature, the inner self, and our instinctual responses. So just as the moon moves through the zodiac, shifting its energy and influence, our moon sign reflects the unique qualities that shape our emotions.

And our intuitive nature. Determining your moon sign is as simple as looking at your birth chart. The moon sign is based on the position of the moon at the exact moment of your birth. It reveals your subconscious patterns, your emotional needs, and gives you insight into how you process and express your feelings.

Here's a brief overview of the energetic qualities associated with each moon sign. A Taurus Moon sign is grounded. practical. It really seeks stability and security. It brings love for comfort and material pleasures, but it can also result in stubbornness and a certain resistance to change. A Gemini moonsign is curious.

They're adaptable and they're intellectually inclined. They need stimulation and they need variety, but they can also be kind of scattered in their energy and have a certain restlessness. A Cancer Moonsign is nurturing, generally they're pretty sensitive, and they're deeply connected to the emotions.

They desire security, um, a strong sense of home and family, and this can lead to a certain moodiness, and sometimes some emotional vulnerability. The Leo Moonsign is very confident, they're creative, and they seek recognition and self expression. The Leo Moonsign has a desire for attention and admiration.

There can also be some drama and sort of a need to be in the spotlight. Virgo, as a moonsign, is analytical, uh, practical, detail oriented. They're very focused, organized, efficient. They can also be very hard on themselves. There can be a lot of self criticism and perfectionism. Uh, Libra moonsign is diplomatic.

They are harmonious. They seek balance, fairness. They need partnerships that they can also be sort of indecisive and, and there can be a fear of conflict there. Let's see what comes next. Virgo, Libra, Scorpio is an intense sign, passionate. They seek deep emotional connections. There's a mysterious energy with Scorpio, but Scorpio moon signs also can be possessive and tend towards emotional extremes.

Sagittarius is adventurous, optimistic. They seek freedom and knowledge. They have a love for exploration and philosophical pursuits. Sometimes they're a little, a little lacking in emotional depth. Capricorn, moonsign, is very disciplined, responsible. They tend to seek out achievement and success. Um, there's a lot of ambitious energy there and as a moonsign, there can be sort of a sense of reserve or a fear of vulnerability.

Aquarius is independent. They seek innovation. They're very individual and they need a lot of intellectual stimulation and social connection. Uh, they can be a little bit rebellious. Pisces is compassionate, intuitive, and deeply connected to the spiritual realm. They have a dreamy and imaginative energy, and as a moon sign, they can be kind of sensitive and also lean a little bit towards escapism.

I think I got all of the signs. Oh, I'm going to feel bad if I missed one. All right. Well, anyway, keep in mind, these are general descriptions and other factors in your birth chart can modify the expression of your moon signs energy. So it is important to actually pull up that whole birth chart and work with somebody on understanding it.

So how does this tie back to our magic? Working with moon signs and our magical practice enhances our connection to the moon's energy. And it just helps us know how to align our intentions with the astrological influences of the moment and our own innate tendencies. So just as the moon's position affects the tides, it also influences.

The energetic currents that flow within us when planning your spells and rituals, consider the moon sign that corresponds to the specific energy you wish to invoke. For example, if you desire to enhance your creativity and emotional expression, working with the moon and a fire sign like Leo or Aries can amplify those qualities.

Aries. I think I forgot Aries. Aries is a fiery moon sign that is passionate, impulsive, and assertive. Aries has a sense of enthusiasm and a desire for independence, but Aries Moon signs can also be Mm, a little gratification seeking. Um, they want immediate gratification. Aha. I knew it. Okay. As we work with the moon signs in our magical practices, we deepen our connection to the celestial energies that align us with the natural rhythms of the cosmos.

Embrace your moonsign as a guide and use it as an ally on your spiritual journey. Allow it to illuminate the path ahead and nurture your emotional well being. This is way too big a topic to go over in this episode of the podcast. If you want to dive deep into using moonsigns and magic, Check out the Moon Magic for Modern Witches course included with Inner Circle membership.

The moon has been captivating humanity for as long as we can remember. It enchants us with its otherworldly beauty and its mysterious presence. It's no wonder that cultures around the world have embraced the moon as a symbol of feminine energy, intuition, and the ever shifting tides of life. But the moon is more than just a celestial object.

It holds deep symbolism that transcends its physical form. It embodies the constant cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth. Just like the waxing and waning of its phases, we too experience the dance of light and darkness within ourselves. To truly grasp the esoteric symbolism of the moon, we need to dive into the hidden meanings woven throughout various cultures and spiritual traditions.

In ancient Egypt, the moon was linked to the goddess Isis, embodying magic, divine femininity, and the enigmatic nature of the night. In Norse mythology, the moon was associated with the goddess Mani, guiding souls on their journey through the afterlife. According to ancient tales, Mani was the personification of the moon, known for her radiant beauty and ethereal presence.

She was said to be the sister of the sun goddess, Sol, and together they traversed the heavens, bringing light and splendor to the world. Legends has it that Mani was entrusted with the task of guiding the souls of fallen warriors to the afterlife. As she sailed across the night sky in her moon chariot, she would collect the spirits of the brave and lead them to their final destination, the mystical realm of Valhalla.

But Mani's journey was not always without challenges. The mischievous god Loki, we're always, always running into Loki in these stories, crafted a net to ensnare the moon. He cast it up into the sky, hoping to capture Manny and bring darkness to the world. However, Manny, with her keen intuition, managed to evade Loki's trap, gracefully gliding through the night, illuminating the world with her soft, silvery light.

In Norse mythology, Manny was highly revered and was considered a symbol of wisdom and mysticism. Her association with the moon represented the cyclical nature of life. As well as the ebb and flow of emotions and the eternal journey of the soul. She was seen as a guide and a protector, offering solace to those who embraced the mysteries of the night.

Modern witches and practitioners of moon magic often draw inspiration from Manny's story. They invoke her energy during rituals and spells connected with the moon's phases, seeking her guidance in matters of intuition, inner reflection, and spiritual connection. Crystals like moonstone and selenite, which resonate with the moon's energy, are often used in rituals dedicated to Mani, enhancing the connection between the practitioner and the lunar realm.

In Hinduism, the moon symbolizes the divine nectar of immortality, offering blessings. and enlightenment, and I just love that. By unraveling these hidden meanings and connections, we can forge a deeper bond with the moon's energy and infuse its symbolism into our own magical practices. Embracing the esoteric aspects of the moon opens up new realms of wisdom and understanding for us to explore.

Looking at our own ancestry, diving into the symbolic meanings of the moon, we can gain a greater understanding of moon magic when we understand some of its lore and mythology. and where we come from. So how can we incorporate this esoteric moon symbolism into our personal magic? One way is by working with moon related correspondences.

Each phase of the moon carries its own unique energy, which we've discussed, and by aligning our spells, rituals, and intentions with these phases, we can amplify their potency. So remember, During the waxing moon, when the moon is growing brighter, we can focus on spells and rituals that foster growth and abundance.

The moon is growing, we're growing, our spells are growing. This is a good time for manifestation. When the moon reaches its fullness, we can harness its intense energy to charge crystals, concoct potent elixirs, and engage in divination practices. As the moon wanes, So, it's illumination decreases, we can dive into banishing spells, releasing rituals and shadow work.

This phase grants us the opportunity to shed old patterns and let go of stagnant energy. It also creates space for transformation and renewal. Another way to embrace this Esoteric moon symbolism is through meditation and visualization, so you can picture yourself basking in the moon's gentle glow, surrounded by its soothing lunar energy.

Connect with the moon's ancient wisdom during your inner journeys, allowing it to guide you and offer insights along your path. There are several symbols and practices that can help us carry the energy of the moon. And here's a few. You might wear jewelry. that depicts the moon, such as a moon shaped pendant or earrings.

This serves as a constant reminder of the moon's energy and symbolism, and it allows us to carry a piece of that moon magic with us whenever we go, especially if you charge it under the light of the full moon. Infusing water with the energy of the moon is a popular practice. Simply place a container of water under the moonlight overnight.

I like to use a glass container. Allow it to absorb the moon's energy. Moon water can be used for rituals, cleansing, and enhancing intuition. As I mentioned, I like to infuse mine. with various herbs or flowers. I have even been known to write an intention or use a sigil and tape it facing in towards the water so that the light of the moon is passing through that paper and infusing it with the magic of that sigil.

Keeping track of the moon's phases through a calendar or app can help you align your activities and intentions with specific energies during each phase. It allows you to plan your days and tasks in harmony with the ever changing rhythms of the moon. You might take a few moments each day to observe the moon and bask in its gentle glow.

Remember, sometimes the moon is out during the daytime, sometimes it's out at night. You're going to have to go out and find it. I recommend finding a comfortable spot outside, look up at the moon, and just allow yourself a moment to be present. and soak in its beauty and tranquility. Consider creating a dedicated space in your home or outdoors that honors the moon and can serve as a focal point for connecting with its energy.

You might decorate your altar with moon related symbols such as moonstones, candles, lunar artwork, lunar deities. I have a moon garden that I planted with night blooming flowers. It has jasmine and its feature piece is a showy sacred datura with its glowing white blooms and heady fragrance. I also have a water feature as part of this moon garden that reflects the light of the moon and have strewn crystals throughout my gravel path.

Engaging in creative activities inspired by the moon, such as writing poetry, painting moonlit landscapes, or crafting moon related symbols can help channel the moon's energy into your artistic expression and infuse your creations with its magic. Consider if you keep an art journal, journaling for an entire cycle of the moon about the different phases and...

How it's feeling and affecting you. Remember that carrying the energy of the moon is personal. It's intuitive. I want you to choose symbols and practices that resonate with you and that feel aligned with your connection to the moon. So I've given a lot of suggestions, but at the end of the day, if those suggestions don't resonate with you, don't use them.

Pick something else. Experiment, explore, allow the moon to guide you, and find your own unique way to carry its energy through your life. As we explore the esoteric symbolism of the moon, let's honor the timeless wisdom it carries. Embrace the ever shifting nature of existence and find inspiration in the moon's cycles.

May the esoteric moon symbolism enrich our magical endeavors, leading us on a profound journey of self discovery and transformation. Let the moon. Be our cosmic companion as we navigate the mystical realms of life.

Before we part ways, I want to encourage each and every one of you, dear listeners, to continue your exploration and deepening connection to moon magic and the lunar cycles. The moon holds infinite wisdom and enchantment just waiting to be discovered by those who are open to its mysteries. And for those of you who are eager to take the journey even further, I invite you to explore inner circle membership.

Immerse yourself in the transformative course Moon Magic for Modern Witches. It's a 13 lesson online experience that delves into the depths of lunar wisdom and really empowers you to embrace the magic within. You can join our community of kindred spirits and embark on a transformative journey that will illuminate your path and awaken the witch within.

Make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss out on future episodes. And if you're enjoying the show, I would be incredibly grateful if you could take a moment to rate and review on your favorite podcast platform. Your feedback means the world to me and helps others discover the show.

Remember, if you're hungry for more knowledge and eager to dive deeper into the craft, I invite you to visit my website, That's magic with a K. There you'll find the show notes for this episode along with a treasure trove of free resources. Also consider joining me in the Inner Circle.

Inside this special membership, you'll gain access to over 22 courses and growing covering a wide range of topics in modern witchcraft, magic, and herbalism. To stay connected with me and receive updates, inspiration, and glimpses into my journey, follow me on Instagram @wind_moon_magick. Remember, that's magic with a K and underscores between each word.

As we bid farewell for now, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for joining me on this extraordinary adventure. Your support and presence means the world to me. Until our paths cross again, may the wind carry whispers of ancient wisdom, and may the moonlight guide you on your own magical path.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. Until next time, farewell for now, and blessed be.


Season 1, Episode 3: Witchy Gardens


Season 1, Episode 1: Exploring Litha