Samhain Renewal and New Year Spell

This spell is designed to celebrate the Samhain season, harness the energy of renewal and transformation, and seek the guidance and assistance of your ancestors as you step into the new year with renewed spirit and purpose.

Tools and Ingredients

  • A white candle (for purity and renewal)

  • A black candle (for transformation and release)

  • A natural beeswax candle

  • Two pieces of paper and pen

  • A bowl of salt

  • A small offering for your ancestors (such as a food or drink they enjoyed)

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Set Your Sacred Space

Find a quiet and peaceful space where you won't be disturbed. Light some incense or sage to purify the area.

Invocation of Ancestors

Begin by sitting comfortably in front of your sacred space. Light the beeswax candle, saying:

"I call upon my ancestors, those who came before

With love and respect, I open the door.

On this Samhain night, as the veil grows thin,

I seek your wisdom and guidance from within."

Take a moment to meditate and connect with the energy of your ancestors. Visualize their presence surrounding you, offering their support and love.

Write Your Intentions

Take the piece of paper and write down three things you wish to release and transform in your life this coming year. Be specific about the changes you want to manifest in the new year. Light the black candle, saying:

"As this black candle burns, old patterns fade away,

Transforming my spirit on this sacred day.

I release the past, I let it go,

With the wisdom of my ancestors, I grow."

Hold the paper over the black candle's flame until it catches fire. Safely place it in the bowl of salt to burn completely, symbolizing the release of old energies.  (Save this salt to use as black salt for future rituals) Light the white candle, saying:

"With this white candle's glow, I invite in the new,

Renew my spirit, let my intentions come true.

Ancestors, guide me, help me see the way,

As I step into the dawn of this brand-new day."

Ancestral Offering

Place your offering for your ancestors on your altar, saying:

"With gratitude, I offer this treat,

A symbol of our connection, so sweet.

Thank you for your presence, love, and care,

I honor you now, as we share."

Sit quietly with the candles burning, meditating on the sense of renewal and transformation. Visualize your goals and intentions manifesting in the year ahead.

New Year's Resolution

Write down one specific intention or resolution for the new year on a separate piece of paper. Keep it as a reminder of your renewed spirit and commitment.  Blow out the candles.

Close your sacred space, thanking the energies and ancestors for their assistance. You may wish to feast on the offering left for your ancestors as a symbol of sharing the meal together.

This Samhain Renewal and New Year Spell is a beautiful way to connect with your ancestors, release old energies, and embrace the transformation and renewal that Samhain offers as you welcome the new year with a fresh perspective and purpose.


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