May Day Dew Bath

Today, I want to share with you a spell that has been a favorite of mine for years. This spell is perfect for the springtime, and it's all about feeling beautiful inside and out. It's simple, easy, and the results are always amazing. So, without further ado, let me share with you the details of this spell.

First things first, let's gather the items you'll need:

  • A robe

  • A dewy morning

  • A patch of grass or meadow with privacy in the early morning

  • Fresh rose petals

  • Clear quartz crystal

Once you have your items, it's time to begin.

Step 1: Set the Scene

For this spell, I love going to a private corner of my yard naked except for a long floral bathrobe. However, if you can't be naked, wear something that will allow you to expose as much of your skin to the dew as possible. The ideal time to perform this spell is at sunrise on May Day morning, but any spring morning will do.

Step 2: Set Your Intention

Before summoning your circle, set your intention. Get really clear about what you want to achieve with this spell. For me, it's all about feeling beautiful inside and out, so I like to use the affirmation, “I was beautiful, I am beautiful, and I will always be beautiful.”

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Step 3: Summon Your Circle

To summon your circle, sprinkle rose petals in a large circle about you, drawing in the light and energy of the early morning sunshine. Make your circle large enough for you to lay down in.

Step 4: Connect with Nature

Lay on your back in the grass, with as much skin touching the dew as possible. Place your clear quartz crystal on your solar plexus. Close your eyes and take in the scents of the morning and the sounds of the birds. Then, repeat your affirmation three times aloud.

Step 5: Wash with Dew

Sweep your hands back and forth in the dewy grass and use them to wash your face, neck, chest, and arms. Move slowly and gently while silently repeating your affirmation to yourself.

Step 6: Breathe and Relax

Lay there for a few more moments, breathing deeply, and allowing the dew to cool your skin.

Step 7: Give Thanks

Thank the sun, the earth, the grass, and the birds and insects who bore witness to your ritual. Repeat your affirmation once more loud, breaking the circle.


For an added bonus, collect some morning dew in a small glass vessel with a lid to anoint yourself for each of the next three mornings as you prepare for the day.

There you have it, a simple and effective spell that will leave you feeling beautiful and radiant. I hope you try this spell and that it brings you the results you desire. Remember, you are beautiful inside and out, and this spell is just a reminder of that fact. May the blessings of the universe be with you always.


May Day - Beltane