The Season of Manifestation, Sexuality, and Beauty

The trees are blooming, the birds are building their nests and looking for love, and earth is coming alive! We are midway between spring equinox - Ostara and the summer solstice - Litha. It is the official start of Summer! This is a time to celebrate. For Wiccans, this sabbat is a holiday of love and romance when God and Goddess come together.

Beltane, Beauty + Glamor RMachan Beltane, Beauty + Glamor RMachan

May Day Dew Bath

Discover the May Day dew bath ritual, a simple spell that will leave you feeling beautiful inside and out. With fresh rose petals, clear quartz crystals, and the power of nature, this ritual is perfect for welcoming the spring season. Learn how to perform this ritual and connect with the universe. Try it today and embrace your inner beauty.

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