Red Raspberry Leaf

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Use raspberry in magic and witchcraft as a mother's herb and in fertility spells. Burn Rasberry Leaf in an incense blend, add teas and to floor washes, ritual baths, and use it to dress ritual candles.

Common Name: Raspberry leaf, red raspberry

Family: Rosaceae

Parts Used: Leaves

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Astrological: Scorpio

Chakra: Root

Energy: Feminine

Native To: Raspberry can be found all over the world, particularity in the temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Safety Notes: Aways choose organically grown from a reputable source, or harvest wild in a safe location free from pollution, pesticides and chemical runoff.

Red raspberry leaf has been used for centuries in various cultures for its medicinal, metaphysical, and magical properties.

Medical Uses

Medicinally, red raspberry leaf is commonly used as a tonic for the reproductive system in women, particularly during pregnancy and childbirth. It is believed to help tone the uterus, ease labor pains, and prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Red raspberry leaf is also used to treat digestive issues, such as diarrhea, and respiratory problems, such as coughs.

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Metaphysical Uses

Metaphysically, red raspberry leaf is associated with the goddesses of fertility, childbirth, and women's health. It is said to promote love and compassion and to bring good luck and blessings. In some cultures, red raspberry leaf is used in love spells and rituals to attract a partner or to strengthen a bond with a current partner.

Magical Uses

Magically, red raspberry leaf is believed to possess protective qualities and to ward off negative energies. It is often used in spells and rituals for protection and to promote healing and growth. Red raspberry leaf is also used in spells for love, fertility, and manifestation.

It is important to note that red raspberry leaf should only be used under the guidance of a medical professional, especially during pregnancy, as excessive use may have adverse effects. Additionally, red raspberry leaf should never be used as a substitute for conventional medical treatment.



