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A longtime symbol of love and beauty, rose is most commonly known for its prominent role in aromatherapy. Both rose petals and hips have been used in herbal traditions around the world for thousands of years. Use in rose in spell work for beauty and glamour magic, make a rose syrup to help soothe sore throats., add to a bath to relax your mind and body. Rose tea can boost sexuality and is used as an anti-inflammatory. Burn rose petals to attract love or cut ties with a former lover. A sachet under the pillow promotes sweet dreams.

Common Name: Rose

Family: Rosaceae

Parts Used: Flowers and fruits (rose hips)

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Astrological: Taurus

Chakra: Heart + Root

Energy: Feminine

Native To: Rose as we think of it probably originated in ancient Persia. Today, rose can be found all over the world, particularity in the temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Safety Notes: Conventional roses are heavily sprayed with chemicals. Always choose organically grown from a reputable source.

Rose, the queen of flowers, has been revered and admired for its beauty and fragrance for centuries. But beyond its aesthetic appeal, roses possess a wide range of metaphysical, magical, and medicinal properties that make them a must-have in every witch’s apothecary.

Metaphysical Properties of Roses

In spiritual and mystical circles, roses symbolize love, compassion, and the essence of the divine feminine. The delicate petals of the rose are believed to hold the power of manifestation, which is why many practitioners of the craft use roses in spells and rituals related to love, healing, and abundance. Roses also have strong ties to the goddess realm, especially Aphrodite and Venus, and are used in honoring and invoking their presence.

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Magical Properties of Roses

Roses have a long history of being used in magic and spells, with their petals and oils being a popular ingredient in many rituals. Roses are especially useful in love spells, as their energetic properties are believed to draw romantic love into one’s life. Adding a rose petal or two to a love spell candle can increase the potency of the spell and help to attract a desired partner. Roses are also commonly used in protection spells, as they are thought to deflect negative energy and keep one safe.

Roses also play an important role in divination, with rose petals being used in scrying and divination rituals. The petals are often sprinkled onto a surface or into a bowl of water to help one receive messages from the divine.

Medicinal Properties of Roses

The health benefits of roses are not limited to just their beauty and fragrance. Roses have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, with their petals and oils being used to treat a variety of ailments. Rose petals are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which make them great for boosting the immune system and promoting overall health. The anti-inflammatory properties of roses make them ideal for treating skin conditions, such as eczema and acne.

The oils extracted from roses are also incredibly useful in aromatherapy, as they are believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body. Rose oil is used in massage oils and bath salts to help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

In conclusion, roses are much more than just beautiful flowers. They possess a wide range of metaphysical, magical, and medicinal properties that make them a valuable addition to any witch’s apothecary. Whether you use them in spells, rituals, or for their health benefits, roses are sure to bring love, joy, and happiness into your life.


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