Imbolc, Also Called Candlemas

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February 1st - 2nd


Six weeks after Yule, and six weeks before the Spring Equinox, Imbolc marks the beginning of longer days and more sunshine in the Northern Hemisphere. While snow and rain may linger, bulbs and violets begin to make their appearance, marking warmer months to come.

Common Traditions:

Imbolc is a wonderful time to begin planning your garden for the arrival of Spring. Imbolic is the first of the planting and growing sabbath. Spend some time alone in reflection as to what your garden goals are, what you’d like to grow, major projects to accomplish, and maybe even get some seeds started indoors. Prep your garden beds with layers of compost.

Wishing our witchy homes, begin your spring cleaning by sorting and purging items for donation. Cleanse your space with sound - wind chimes, bells, joyful music all enliven and wake up the space. Bring in the light! Open curtains, light candles, turn your face to the sun! Especially welcome the morning light as each day the sun rises earlier. In the evenings which are still dark, light candles in honor of the returning sun and to drive away the darkness of Winter.

Clean and bless your home, gardening supplies, and car, sprinkling all with solar water and salt.

Honor the Celtic goddess Brighid. The goddess of transformation, creation, midwifery, blacksmiths, and invention, she oversees poetry, music, healing, childbirth, prophecy, artists, livestock, and smithcraft.


White, yellow, pink, gold


Snowdrops, angelica, basil, bay laurel, celandine

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Robins, lambs, sheep, deer, burrowing animals such as groundhogs and badgers

Ideas to Celebrate:

  • Set up an Imboolc alter in the center of the home, near a fireplace, or favorite family gathering spot. Choose pillar candles in whites, pinks, and sunny yellow. Decorate with symbols of suns. Symbolically leave an offering of cream by placing a beautiful creamer or milk bottle on your alter. Blooming bulbs such as snowdrops, crocus, and grape hyacinth make a lovely addition. I also like to place some of my hand carved animal figures, such as my hedgehog on my Imbolc alter.

  • Perform an Imbolc Ritual for Solitary Withes

  • Perform cleansing rituals and blessings around your home. This is a great time to begin spring cleaning - wash windows, air rugs, and wipe down baseboards.

  • Take a foraging walk or hike for delicate spring greens such as miner’s lettuce and dandelion.

  • Try you hand at some popular Imbolc crafts such as Brigid’s Cross, straw dolls, and bird seed ornaments.

  • Perform a tarot reading. Pull three cards.

    • Card One: What is awakening within me?

    • Card Two: How best to nourish the life I wish to live?

    • Card Three: What new endeavors are growing in my future?

  • Feast! Host a mid-afternoon tea or luncheon with close friends. Opt for wild harvested early greens, bright flavors like lemon and dandelion, milk and butter, and warming spices.

A Poem For Imbolc

Imbolc, the festival of light,

A time of new beginnings, of hope, of might

The days are getting longer, the darkness recedes

Nature awakens, her beauty it proceeds

The snow melts, the streams flow

Nature awakens, her beauty aglow

The first signs of spring, a sight to behold

A promise of new life, a story untold

Candles are lit, fires are lit

A symbol of the return of the light, a gentle hit

The magic of the season, it's in the air

A time for growth, for hope, for care

Imbolc, a time of new beginnings

For all that we have, all that is good

We give thanks for the blessings bestowed

And look forward to the path ahead, unrolled

So let us gather, let us sing

In celebration of the changing of things

Imbolc, a time of hope and peace

May it bring you joy, love, and release.


Brigid’s Cross


Imbolc Warming Immunity Tea