Imbolc Warming Immunity Tea

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Imbolc may be a harbinger of Spring, but we all know this is often the season of the worst colds, runny noses, sore throats, and the sniffles. This is an excellent season to bolster your immunity with a warming herbal tea. Plus, it’s delicious and makes an excellent after dinner, warming drink when the evenings are still dark and chilly.

Warming Immunity Tea Recipe

These highly nutritions and anti-inflammatory herbs are ideal for treating the worst of colds.


For an individual pot. In parentheses is the ratio if mixing a large batch to have moon hand,

  • 1TBSP elder berries (3 parts)

  • 1TBSP rose hips (3 parts)

  • 1tsp lemon balm (1 part)

  • 1TBSP echinacea (3 parts)

  • 1/2tsp ground cinnamon or 1tsp cinnamon bark (1 part)

  • 3 crushed cardamom pods (1 part)

  • 1/2 tsp whole cloves (1/2 part)

  • 2 cups filtered water

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  1. Bring filtered water to a boil

  2. Remove from heat and add herbs, steeping for 15 minutes

  3. Strain.

  4. If desired sweeten with honey, stirring clockwise and setting positive intentions for your health and wellness this Imbolc!

Here is a brief prayer you could use as you stir your tea:

Goddess Brighid, I call on thee,

With this cup of tea,

Please protect and heal,

This turning of the wheel!

Don’t forget to compost the left over tea, thanking the herbs for all their powerful healing and support of your immune system.

I encourage you to mix up a large batch of herbs to drink throughout the season. Enjoy this warming tea with some fresh bannock bread with butter and jam for honey!


Imbolc, Also Called Candlemas


Imbolc Bannock Breakfast Bread