Imbolc Spring Greens Salad with Herb Dressing

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We don’t make a huge feast for Imbolc, preferring a small gathering of friends over for lunch. So the food is usually pretty simple - a simple salad of greens, both wild harvested and from the indoor salad tower, followed by a warm and hearty potato soup and some freshly fried bannock bread. For dessert I love to serve my dandy lemon poppy bunt cake with tea.

Spring Greens Salad and Herb Dressing Recipe

Wild harvested baby greens and herbs can be mixed with micro greens and tender spring lettuces from the garden or indoor garden. My favorite mix includes wild harvested dandelion greens, chickweed, miner’s lettuce, and baby asparagus. Toss the wild greens with some flashy lettuce and bulls blood greens for a gorgeous salad. I like to top mine with a light dressing that allows the flavor of the greens to shine.


3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/3 cup white vinegar

1/2 tsp honey

1/4 cup greek yogurt

1 tsp fresh parsley - finely chopped

1 tsp fresh chives - finely chopped

1 tsp fresh dill - finely chopped

2 cloves of fresh garlic, minced

Salt and Pepper to taste

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  1. Whisk together honey, vinegar and oil until honey is fully dissolved.

  2. Add in yogurt, fresh herbs and garlic

  3. Salt and pepper to taste - sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper are highly recommended.

  4. Store in the refrigerator up to three days

Remember Imbolc is a perfect time to bow our heads in gratitude for the changing of the seasons, the return of the sun, and the bounty of Spring. To learn more about safe and ethical foraging and wildcrafting, check out the Basic Witchy Brews online colure, specifically unit 3, lesson 9.

Imbolc Wheel of the Year Recipe and Spells Wind Moon Magick and Witchcraft

Imbolc Dandy Lemon and Poppy Seed Bunt Cake


Imbolc Easy Nettle and Potato Soup