Feeding + Bathing the Humble Loadstone

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You need a loadstone and the life-changing magical energy it will bring to your home!

The humble looking loadstone is a powerful magical magnet to attract abundance and prosperity into your life. I’ve had my loadstone for many years, and with proper care and feeding, your loadstone will work daily for you, attracting money. It’s important to treat your loadstone with gentle respect. Feed and bathe at least twice a month and make sure to spend the money you swap out from under your loadstone, spreading his bounty into the world.

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Feeding + Bathing Ritual

I like to start the ritual by lighting a candle and drawing a tarot card as I set my intention and clear my mind of the day’s distractions.

Then I remove the money previously cushioning my loadstone in his bowl and dust off any iron shavings still affixed to him.

Like all living things, loadstones need regular bathing and feeding. Traditionalist will use whisky to bathe their loadstone, mine prefers a tequila bath. Never rinse your loadstone in water as it will rust!

Then I cleanse the loadstone, his bowl, and the fresh bills with smoke.

I slowly pour about one ounce of tequila over my stone, gently wipe him dry then I refill the bowl with fresh $20 bills.  Remember, never give your loadstone less money than he had - $100 out, $100 back in! Any amount is fine, but the amount of money must never decrease.

I like to fold the final bill three times toward me, rotating clockwise and stating my intention aloud. Occasionally I will write a sigil on this final bill. Place your loadstone back in his bowl and give him a small snack of iron shavings mixed with basil.

Consider feeding your loadstone with iron shavings once a week, and keeping him in a cozy location. Mine lives on my stovetop where I talk to him as I cook and listen to music. The stronger your relationship to your loadstone, the stronger his magick.

May your days be always prosperous and abundant!


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