Sea Witch - Invite the Magick of the Ocean

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As you know, the sea holds a special place in my heart and my practice. The rhythm of the waves and the energy of the saltwater have always been a source of inspiration and renewal for me. Recently, I had the opportunity to spend some time by the sea and I was reminded of the incredible power and beauty that lies within its depths.

Ocean based magick may be cultivated as a full time practice, or added in to enhance a more diversified approach to magick. A sea witch practices magick utilizing the majesty and force of the ocean within her spell work and rituals. If you live near the ocean, you may already be practicing a form of sea witchery without even realizing. Being a modern sea witch is a powerful and rewarding path that combines the magick of the ocean with the practicality of modern life. Whether you live near the coast or simply have a deep connection to the sea, there are many ways to tap into the healing and rejuvenating powers of the ocean and bring them into your daily practice.

One of the simplest ways to connect with the sea is through "ocean bathing," also known as "thalassotherapy." This can involve taking a dip in the ocean, walking along the beach, or simply sitting and listening to the sound of the waves. The energy of the ocean can help to cleanse and balance the body and mind, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. The ocean is a fantastic place of healing and a way to connect to the source of all life. The waves can cleanse your aura, and wash away negative energy.


Terms to Know:


(noun) the use of seawater as a form of therapy. It also includes the systematic use of sea products and shore climate.


Forage in the Sea:

The ocean is a treasure trove of magical ingredients that can be used in spells, potions, and rituals. Some examples include shells, seaweed, sand, and sea glass. As with foraging in the forest, it's important to take only what you need and to ask permission from the ocean and its inhabitants before taking any items.

Seaweed is a powerful health and beauty booster. It's the best dietary source of iodine, which helps support your thyroid gland. It also contains other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, B vitamins, zinc, and iron, along with antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage. You can harvest your own seaweed from clean waters. Use scissors or garden clippers to cut off no more than half of a given plant so that it can continue to thrive. Never pull the plant up from the base. Or go to the beach after a big storm and harvest the piles of fresh seaweed that have just washed ashore. Marine protected areas, marine managed areas, special closures and state marine parks may prohibit cutting or harvesting.

  • Nori is identified by its dark green color and is considered one of the most delicious of the edible seaweeds.

  • Sea Lettuce looks like it sounds with delicate shapes and a brighter green color.

Use seaweed in soups and salads. Dehydrate it and store in glass jars for future use.

The Basic Witchy Brews online course has an extensive unit on foraging practices as well as commonly found herbs and safety.

Find Your Guides:

One of the most powerful ways to connect with the sea is through working with sea spirits and guides. These can include mermaids, sea nymphs, and other oceanic entities that can offer guidance and protection. To connect with these beings, you can perform a ritual or meditation near the ocean, leaving an offering such as a shell or a piece of sea glass.

Learn about the mythology and folklore of the ocean and choose a local sea god or goddess to work with.

It’s beneficial when away from the ocean to set up a sea alter. Place items that remind you of the sea and any deities or guides in this space. Pictures of the ocean, seashells, driftwood, stones, a bottle of sea water, a vial of sand - this will help strengthen your connection too the ocean every time you see it. Having a dedicated alter space also gives you a place too focus your power and perform rituals.

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Bring the Sea into Your Rituals:

Tap into the power of the sea is by incorporating sea-themed elements into your rituals and spells. For example, you can use a shell or a piece of sea glass as a focal point, or call upon the elements of water and air to enhance your magick. You can also learn about the properties of different types of shells and sea creatures, such as starfish for healing, or seahorse for good luck and protection.

The next time you visit the ocean, try an early morning walk when the tide is low. Walk the shoreline and see what magical tools Mother Nature gifts you with. You may find such useful spell work ingredients as seashells, coral, driftwood, feathers, polished pebbles, sea glass, and hag-stones. If you aren’t near an ocean beach, try along any body of water - lakes, streams, and rivers all carry similar magical items.

Gently wash off any collected treasures and place them on your alter or use them in your next ritual. Remember to always thank the ocean for her gifts and consider leaving an offering of honey or flowers.

Various sorts of shells are imbued with magical properties. You can identify most shells online and look up how they may aid in your magick.

Sand collected at the beach can be used to invoke powerful water magick. Use it to draw circles, or place it along with herbs in spell sachets.

Watch the Animals:

Finally, one of the most powerful ways to connect with the sea is by watching and observing the animals that call it home. We can learn so much from watching the animals of the sea in a quiet, respectful way. Whether it's dolphins, whales, or seabirds, each species holds its own unique energy and symbolism that can be used in spell work and rituals.

  • The crab is a symbol of emotion, trust and the cyclical nature of life.

  • The Shark is symbol of authority, curiosity and mystery.

  • Whales are associated with compassion and solitude.

  • Dolphins represent intelligence, playfulness, communication, and peace.

  • Manta ray - strength, adaptability, grace under pressure.

  • Pelicans symbolize teamwork and sacrifice.

  • Otters are symbols of creativity, childishness and playfulness.

And there are so many others, I couldn’t possibly list them all here! Get to know the animals of the ocean, fight to protect them.

I wish to encourage you to explore sea magick and witchcraft for yourself. Whether you are able to spend time by the ocean, or simply bring its energy into your practice through visualization and meditation, I believe that you will find the sea to be a powerful and transformative source of magic.

Sea Magick Meditation

If you are unable to visit the ocean but are still drawn to the power and magic of the sea, this meditation is for you. Through visualization and intention, you can bring the energy of the sea into your practice and tap into its transformative power.

  • Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to let go of any tension or distractions.

  • Visualize yourself standing at the shore of the ocean. See the waves crashing against the rocks, and feel the salty mist against your skin. Take a moment to take in the beauty and power of the sea.

  • As you continue to look out at the ocean, imagine that you are absorbing its energy. See it flowing into your body, filling you with its power and magic. Imagine that you are becoming one with the sea, and that its energy is becoming a part of you.

  • Focus on the feeling of the ocean's energy, and allow it to fill you with peace and calm. Feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed, and any tension and stress melting away.

  • Take a deep breath and imagine that the energy of the sea is becoming a permanent part of you. See it flowing through your veins, and imagine that you are now able to tap into the power of the sea at any time.

  • When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Remember the feeling of the ocean's energy, and keep it with you throughout your day.

This meditation is a powerful tool for modern witches who are unable to practice sea magick by the ocean. By bringing the energy of the sea into your practice, you can tap into its transformative power and bring peace, calm, and magic into your life.

Incorporating the magick of the sea into your daily life is a powerful and rewarding way to connect with the natural world and tap into the healing and rejuvenating energy of the ocean. Whether you live near the coast or simply have a deep connection to the sea, there are many ways to explore this path and bring the power of the ocean into your practice.


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