The Season of Tea

A tea for every need

Put on the kettle and find your favorite mug! Tea season is upon us. Read on for more about witchy tea-craft as well as one of my favorite tea recipes, Grounding Herbal Tea.

Now if you haven’t already noticed, here at Wind Moon Magick, we are all about tea!

Feeling tired? Tea

Feeling unwell? Tea

Feeling nervous? Tea

Feeling cold? Tea

Feeling hot? Iced Tea

You get the idea. Really, there is a tea blend available for almost any need from health to witchy ritual.

One of the most accessible tools in our witchy repertoire is the making of herbal teas. The art of blending herbs into a drinkable tea blend is both affordable and highly accessible even for the novice herbalist. When making tea blends, I encourage you to use high quality loose herbs. How to know what herbs and methods to make tea, as well as rituals and spells around tea making are among the most frequent questions I get.

Many store bought herbal teas contain added flavors, colorings, sweetness, and fillers. Bulk teas and herbs allow you to customize your blends. Bulk teas are not hidden in a tea bag. You can see and smell exactly what you are getting. When you are able to inspect the herbs you can make sure they are of good quality and fresh. Bulk herbs are usually not as finely cut as the herbs in prepackaged tea, and thus better retain their natural properties.

And while I as a witch, mostly deal in herbal teas, don’t overlook the powerful benefits of black, green, and white teas! A nice cup of Earl Grey with a handful of blue corn flowers and a splash of almond milk is my go to most mornings.

One of my favorite herbal tea blends and recipes is included below. Work it into a calming spell or ritual to help balance and ground you.

If you really want to master the art of tea, check out the online herbalism course, Basic Witchy Brews, included with Inner Circle membership.

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Note on Storing Tea Blends:

Store your tea blends out of light in a cool, dry location. I have found it well worth investing in some stacking tea tins which can be labeled and tucked in a cupboard. Here is what I use.

Always label your tea blends with a complete ingredient list - I know from personal experience how easy it is to forget what all is in a mix!

Final thoughts and a favorite recipe

Remember to slow down your tea making process. Take time to breath in the scent of the plants as your crumble or crush them. Thank the plant as you gather it from your garden and whisper your intentions over your vessel as the tea steeps.

Here is one of my favorite tea recipes. For this particular recipe, we pull various herbs that work well together in different ways, but all with the same goal of grounding you. Most of these herbs are easily grown or acquired and you may already have them on hand. Enjoy!

Grounding Herbal Tea


  • 3tsp skullcap

  • 2tsp orange flowers

  • 2tsp St Johns wort

  • 2tsp lemon balm

  • 4 cups filtered water


  1. Bring filtered water to a boil

  2. Remove from heat and add herbs, steeping for 15 minutes

  3. If desired sweeten with honey, stirring in a clockwise direction, and breathing in the steam and light sweetness of this tea. I like to say the following affirmation aloud before my first sip: I am calm. I am grounded. I am perfectly at peace.

As you sip your Grounding Herbal Tea, and work your way through one of our online courses, be sure to share this recipe.

Brush up on and build confidence in your herbal spell crafting knowledge with the Complete Basic Witchy Brews courses which includes all three units and nine lessons. Not available as part of The Inner Circle membership.

Never again worry about the safety of efficacy of your herbal workings.


Great and Good - Honey


Witchy Wildcrafting