Wind Moon Magick Podcast: Episode 7 Witchy Grimoires, Art Journals, and Book of Shadows

Welcome, dear listeners to episode 7 of the Wind Moon Magic Podcast!

Today we are journeying into the world of witchy grimoires, art journals, and books of shadows.

I must confess, I struggled for years to find the perfect method for keeping my magical records, observations, and daily entries.

Should it be one giant book, meticulously organized yet overwhelming to navigate? Or perhaps individual pages placed in sheet protectors within ring binders? Then I could move things around or add as needed.  But that approach lacked the personal touch I craved. It felt too plastic and disconnected. I found myself paralyzed by the quest for perfect organization, and I went years without keeping any written records. Looking back, it breaks my heart to have lost those precious years of documentation.

However, that period of reflection allowed me to clarify my thoughts and discover a system that resonated with my soul—an amalgamation of art journaling and grimoire-keeping, and a book of shadows that acts much like a daily journal.

These are more than mere books; they hold the keys to our craft, preserving wisdom, personal reflections, and rituals. One day, what you have chosen to record may aid another along their magical path.  That’s the hope certainly.  These books also ensure the protection of our knowledge in an era of censorship and AI generated content.

A grimoire is like a spellbook on steroids, containing an incredible array of mystical knowledge, from spells and rituals to symbols, potions, herbal lore, and so much more. These treasured tomes have been passed down through generations, playing a significant role in magical practices throughout history.

Some legendary grimoires, like the Lesser Key of Solomon and the Necronomicon, have captivated the imaginations of magic practitioners for centuries. Within these pages, you'll find spells for love, protection, divination, and everything in between.

Grimoires have evolved over time, transitioning from handwritten manuscripts lovingly crafted by scribes to modern printed editions and even digital formats. The possibilities for their form and function have expanded with the changing times.

While we often imagine a massive, leather-bound tome filled with handwritten notes and illustrations, the reality can be quite different. The idea of a single, overwhelming book can be exhausting and impractical for some, not to mention far from discreet.

So, whether you choose to work with traditional grimoires or explore a more personalized approach, let your creativity and intuition guide you. The magic lies within your hands as you embark on your own process of creation.

Let's move on to art journals, with their blend of artistry and witchcraft, providing a space for us to explore, express, and document our magical journeys. Art journals, which include smash books and junk journals, offer a creative outlet that goes beyond traditional written word and illustration.

We can unleash our imagination and infuse our magic into illustrations, paintings, collages, and poetry. Art journaling techniques are as diverse as the witches who practice them. Some create intricate sigils using sacred geometry, while others incorporate the essence of nature by pressing herbs and flowers between the pages.

Magical materials play a significant role in art journaling. From vibrant watercolors and homemade inks to shimmering metallic pens and enchanted washi tapes, witches have a vast array of supplies to bring their journal pages to life, each choice reflecting their personal style and magic.

Some witches, like myself, prefer a more organized approach. I keep smaller, more manageable journals dedicated to specific topics, such as runes, animal magic, birth charts, or particular types of spell work. This system simplifies my live, allowing me to easily pull down the relevant journal as needed.

These magical books are tangible evidence of our growth as witches, holding our spells and the wisdom gained along our journey. Flipping through their pages reignites the spark and inspires us when our magic feels a little dim.

But before the art journaling and final documentation, there's the daily journal or Book of Shadows where we gather the information in the first place. This is the heart of our magical practice, where we record our thoughts, observations, and experiences.

The Book of Shadows (BoS) is a magical diary that chronicles a witch's daily spiritual path, encompassing spells, rituals, correspondences, personal reflections, tarot pulls, and the deep work of modern witchcraft.

The BoS comes in various formats and styles. Traditionally, it was a physical book, handcrafted with care, but nowadays, digital versions are embraced by some witches too. Regardless of the format, the contents of a BoS are as diverse as the witches who create them. Each one is a unique reflection of its owner's magical journey.

Starting and maintaining a Book of Shadows can be an empowering experience. Choose a format that resonates with you, whether it's a beautiful journal or a digital platform. Don't stress about perfection from the beginning; your BoS is a living document that will evolve with you. Start small and manageable to avoid overwhelm.

Your BoS is a sacred space for personal growth and magical exploration. Dedicate time to it regularly, reflecting on past rituals, recording spells, and diving into shadow work prompts. This daily practice is a powerful tool for clarifying your path forward and the larger purpose of your magical work.

Crafting and personalizing your magical book is a way to infuse your own magic into every page. Set an intention for your book and consider performing a cleansing and ritual of protection before you begin. Bookbinding can be a magical art form, weaving your energy deep into every page, but if it's not for you, focus on customizing pre-made styles to make them your own.

Cover decoration is another way to infuse magic into your book. Get creative with ornate fabrics, mystical symbols, or your own artwork. The pages of your BoS are a blank canvas where you can let your imagination run wild, incorporating magical symbols, sigils, and illustrations aligned with your practice. Press dried herbs, flowers, or leaves between the pages to infuse your book with the essence of nature.

Remember, the process of crafting your Book of Shadows is deeply personal and meaningful. Trust your intuition and let your magical essence flow through your fingertips. Your BoS will become a tangible manifestation of your growth as a witch and a cherished tool that amplifies your magical practices.

It's time for a Q&A session, where I can address the questions and concerns that you, my wonderful witchy audience, have shared with me via Instagram and my email.

Question 1

"Where can I find reliable information to include in my magical books?"

It's essential to make your magical record-keeping personal and meaningful. While there's a wealth of information available in books and online resources, your Grimoire or Book of Shadows (BoS) should reflect your unique perspective and experiences.

It can be tempting to document a bunch of spells from books written by other witches, but why stop at merely copying? Instead, focus on what truly resonates with you and what you've tried yourself. Keep your Grimoire or BoS as a sacred space to record your magical experiments, variations, notes, and outcomes. This way, you create a true reflection of your growth as a witch.

Finding reliable information is essential, but let your own experiences be the heart of your magical documentation. If you try several variations of a spell or ritual, record each one and its outcomes in your BoS. Once you discover what works best for you, transfer that information into an art journal page or two. This way, the information stays meaningful and relevant to your practice.

Explore reputable books and online resources, cross-referencing information, and trusting your intuition. Pinterest can be a helpful tool for saving online spells and rituals you'd like to try. But when it comes to your magical records, focus on what you have personally experienced and experimented with.

Question 2

"How do I add a personal touch to my magical book without feeling overwhelmed?"

You don't need to be an artist to create a magical book that is uniquely yours. Whether you choose a simple lined composition book or a beautifully illustrated journal, what makes the book special is your personal touch.

The most authentic way to make your magical book truly yours is to record only what you have experienced and experimented with. Your own experiences and insights are what give your book its unique power and significance.

I highly recommend performing a cleansing and warding ritual on each new book, sealing it with your energy. This personal ritual establishes a sacred connection between you and your magical book.

Adding a personal touch to your magical book should be a joyful and empowering process. Start small by including personal reflections, experiences, and insights. You can also incorporate your own spells, rituals, or modifications to existing ones. Embrace experimentation and let your intuition guide you. Your book is a reflection of your unique magical journey, so take your time and let your creativity flow.

If you're looking to add flair without feeling overwhelmed, consider creating a signature that is uniquely yours and signing each entry. It could be a fingerprint at the end of your writings, or your witches name written out with a special pen, or even a wax seal. This small personalization brings joy to your creations and can be easily repeated throughout your book.

Remember, there's no right or wrong way to personalize your magical book. The key is to infuse it with your energy, experiences, and magical essence. Trust in your own intuition and let your creativity be your guide. Your magical book is a reflection of your authentic self as a witch, and that's what makes it truly special. Embrace the journey of creating a book that is uniquely and beautifully yours.

Question 3

"I'm concerned about privacy. How can I protect the information in my Book of Shadows?"

Privacy is a valid concern when it comes to your magical books, but there are several ways to handle it and ensure your personal information remains secure. If you're using a physical book, consider keeping it in a secure location when not in use. Opting for smaller-sized books allows you to store them discreetly in a lockbox or nightstand, adding an extra layer of protection.

As a teenager, I used to hide my Book of Shadows inside the dust jacket of a best-selling murder mystery, blending it seamlessly among other fiction books on my bedroom shelf. If you decide to go this route, ensure the books have similar dimensions for better camouflage.

To further protect your privacy, create coded or encrypted entries in your book. Although this may require more effort, it can add an extra level of security. Just be sure to create a separate key and keep it somewhere safe, away from the actual book.

For those using digital versions, password-protect your files and use encrypted platforms to safeguard your information from prying eyes.

Remember, your comfort and safety are paramount. If you find yourself in a situation where the discovery of your magical book could lead to harsh repercussions, consider alternative measures. You could entrust your book to a trusted friend, bury it in a secluded spot in nature, or decide not to keep one at all. Only you can make the best decision for your unique circumstances. Trust your instincts and prioritize your well-being above all else.


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