Wind Moon Magick Podcast: Episode 6 Solar Magic

Welcome, dear listeners, to episode 6 of the Wind Moon Magick Podcast.  Today we are going to dive into solar magic per a suggestion.  I love this topic as we are on the cusp of Lughnasadh, the first of the harvest festivals.  There is no harvest without the magic of the sun!

As the sun illuminates our world and fills our lives with warmth, it also holds incredible potential to enhance our spells and rituals.

Today’s episode explores Solar Spells, Sun Rituals, Solar Witches, and the Deities connected to our star, Sol.

The sun holds a significant place in our lives, and incorporating sun rituals into our practice can align us with its cycles. Early morning exposure to sunlight offers amazing health benefits, such as providing a dose of vitamin D, boosting mood and reducing stress, and regulating our body's internal clock.

In magic, we can incorporate sun rituals into our daily practice by greeting the sun at sunrise, visualizing its rays enveloping us, and expressing gratitude while setting intentions for the day. Creating a sun altar with symbols like sunflowers, citrine crystals, and yellow candles can enhance the energy. Bees, roosters, horses, falcons, hawks, snakes, and the phoenix are animal guides associated with the sun and can be incorporated into solar magic.

Green, cottage, and solar witches merge their practices, celebrating the cycles of nature, working with herbs, and honoring the elements, especially fire.

Lughnasadh, the beginning of the harvest season, offers an opportunity to express gratitude for nature's abundance. Traditions such as crafting corn dollies, building scarecrows, and creating Harvest Blessing Jars can be observed. Outdoor gatherings, picnics, and playful activities like traditional games strengthen our connection with nature and loved ones. Solitary celebrations can involve leisurely walks in nature and creating harvest-inspired altars.

When it comes to spell work, the sun can be a powerful ally, infusing your intentions with its fiery energy. Sun sigils and solar-infused oils are two ways to incorporate solar magic into your spells, allowing the sun's energy to amplify your desires.

Plants like sunflowers, calendula, chamomile, St. John's Wort, and rosemary are commonly used in solar magic for their associations with vitality, abundance, and purification. Crystals such as sunstone, citrine, carnelian, amber, and tiger's eye resonate with solar energy and can enhance confidence, creativity, and manifestation.

Specific spells like a Solar Energy Cleansing Spell, a Solar Empowerment Spell, and a Solar Abundance Spell can be performed to cleanse, boost confidence, and manifest prosperity, respectively. It's important to maintain balance within your solar magic practice by incorporating balancing elements like cooling herbs, grounding crystals, and mindful ritual design. By embracing both the vibrant energy of the sun and the need for equilibrium, you can harness the transformative power of solar magic effectively.

Solar deities have been revered throughout history for their power and influence. Ra, the ancient Egyptian sun god, Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, Amaterasu in Japanese mythology, Sol in Norse mythology, Eos in Greek mythology, and Hemera are all examples of solar deities that can be invoked in solar magic. Each deity holds unique qualities and can be honored through meditation, altars, and offerings.

Creating a sacred space dedicated to solar energy, using vibrant colors and symbols associated with the sun, helps to connect with the transformative power of the sun. Offering gifts that embody the essence of the sun, such as citrus fruits or sunflower seeds, can be a meaningful tribute. Blessing crystals, tools, or sacred objects under the sun's rays infuses them with solar energy. Finding a sunny spot outdoors or near a window and visualizing the sun's energy filling you with vitality, confidence, and inspiration deepens the connection to solar magic.


Wind Moon Magick Podcast: Episode 7 Witchy Grimoires, Art Journals, and Book of Shadows


Sun Power: The Magick of Solar Witchcraft