New Moon Tarot Spread

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Perform this ritualized tarot spread on the night of the new moon to help you plan for the month ahead. Cleanse your deck beforehand so as to ensure you are working with clear energy and intention.

The magical Luna Somnia Tarot Deck (Latin for Moon Dreams) brings together traditional imagery inspired by the symbolism of the classic Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, combined with celestial and astrological symbols, to help you connect with your cosmic spirit, to channel your intuition, and to bring you guidance from universal source.

New Moon Tarot Spread

Hold the deck between the palms of the hands and close your eyes. Breath deeply in and out of your nose and imagine a light at your heart gradually growing brighter and brighter.  Visualize the light radiating out in all directions until you are surrounded, in the middle of a large, glowing sphere of white light.

Visualize your intention for this lunar cycle.

Draw six cards

  1. The energy you need to achieve your intention

  2. The challenges you will face

  3. What to focus on during the waxing moon

  4. What to focus on during the full moon

  5. What to focus on during the waning moon

  6. What to focus on each day during the lunar cycle to stay aligned with your intention

Write down the cards you pulled and journal your thoughts on a piece of paper.  Fold the paper three times and hold it between your palms, eyes closed. 

Visualize yourself moving through the month ahead, living fully in your intention. 

When you are ready, place the paper in a bowl, under a piece of clear quartz and leave it outside where the moon will shine on it the entire lunar cycle. 

Repeat this ritual on the following new moon.  But at the beginning of your next ritual, spend a few minutes disposing of the prior months intentions.  Wash the bowl and crystal in moon water, and burry the old journal page.


Energy Reading and Charging With Tarot


Embody the Card Meditation